Friday, December 19, 2008

How Long It Take For Metrondazole To Work

What future for Quebec?

. Made in Canada

57 billion. A sum so enormous that it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp the true magnitude and scope. But they know. They know we're talking about much too much money. Yet this is the total amount the Government of Canada have been robbed for a little over 10 years.

In 1996, the Liberal government of Jean Chretien, then the symbol of federalism in Quebec decided, without consulting anyone, to dip into the Employment Insurance fund. Similarly, it alone will determine the amount of money to collect. Remember that the employment insurance program is financed exclusively by contributions from workers and employers. It is used to provide temporary income to unemployed. By redirecting the funds for other purposes, Ottawa transforms this system into a new form of taxation. A fee to work so to speak.

is the same Liberal government of Jean Chrétien created the sponsorship program, which ended in the most total disrepute, one of greatest scandals of our time. All this in the name of unity "national."

While the Liberals were looting the workers' money to pay off the debt of the central government, they went quietly government funds to the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) through dishonest advertising. They have not bothered to to fill their pockets at taxpayer expense. A well organized, prepared to make war with the evil separatists.

People in need should tighten their belts while the government was acting bandit. He squandered the funds of the Insurance Fund Employment raise premiums, slashing benefits and restricted access. But the PLC, he does not lack generous donations ... the Canadian government.

57 billion

We have before us another unspeakable scandal and indifference is the worst bond. Through its actions, the Ottawa government has disgraced forever. Consider the possible, get rid of realizing the independence of Quebec people. We need today, to resume our courage in both hands, put both feet on the ground and defeat this evil government which has served us so poorly since 1840. Ask him to withdraw, politely, respectfully, but with firmness and determination.

We can do it. Nobody can question our democratic right to self determination. Thanks to the persistence of the Bloc Quebecois, even the House of Commons has finally recognized that Quebecers form a nation.

There are two states in Quebec and there are one too many. Quebec sovereignty is neither extreme nor extremist. On the contrary, if Quebec had said yes in 1995, none of this would have happened. Quebec would have its problems as it is true every country in the world. But it would be our problems, our decisions, our solutions, and most importantly, we would have avoided the shenanigans of the Canadian state against its own citizens. One would get rid of the monarchy, the senate and the Canadian Constitution, that other Liberal scandal of modern times (they collect). It is better to learn by trial and error, to manage its own state of always depend on good governance of a state that does not control and which, anyway, was imposed on us by force.

is why I propose that we take Canada out of Quebec. Quebec

Let our country.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sample Leteer Of Declogging

For a free and united

Fall 2008, the Quebec premier, Jean Charest, the weakening of the official opposition and the polls suggest a majority is within reach, decided, against all odds and under false pretexts, provincial election. His supporters expect of course that it serves the interests of the Liberal Party (and all that that implies) and if this makes him a good leader to dissolve the government for partisan reasons, it does certainly not make him a head of state. A head of state is shown in the service of people first, and the party serving the citizens rather than the reverse as is the case now with the elections.

This is the fourth provincial election in which I participate as a voter, and as usual, I'll support the candidate of the Parti Quebecois. Despite differing views on certain policies and strategies, I remain convinced that only the PQ offers a real solution, that of the emancipation of our nation, that of breaking a federal straitjacket. I give my confidence

fashioned party by great statesmen, René Lévesque, Jacques Parizeau, Pierre Bourgault, Camille Laurin, to name a few.

team Pauline Marois also seems best suited for

• enhance the quality of life for our seniors,
• help our young families in these difficult times,
• defend our farmers
• protect the gains of Quiet Revolution,
• ensure the preservation of our culture,
• manage the environmental challenges of our time

For the advent of a free and united Quebec, December 8 I vote for the Parti Quebecois.


Friday, September 26, 2008

How To Get Bonded In Ontario?

Invoice Federal

This federal campaign takes a turn for ridicule. The determination of the Conservatives to present the cultural workers, and the Bloc Quebecois as wasteful spending instead of a profitable investment for society, demonstrates the weakness of their arguments. Which is expensive to taxpayers, are not our members or artists who entertain us and support many causes including homelessness and aid for countries in difficulties.

Consider the monarchy. We just get the money into our pockets to allow vice-queens and Lieutenant Governors of traveling the world and living the high life at our expense. It disgusts me. I'd rather they squeal on welfare, it costs me less. That or the prison, I am not difficult. It could also imitate the French ...

And the senate? This outmoded institution which serves to reward friends of the Prime Minister with a fairly well paid job thank you, until the age of retirement. You should have seen the office of Senator Michael Fortier, Mike to his friends, Infoman the issue. Fireplace, conference table, dining table, chairs and sofas, all in a room and huge gorgeous. For a senator. There are one hundred and five!

Do not forget the budgets for the operation of the Supreme Court, whose role is to enforce the Canadian Constitution. Small historical reminder: 1982, Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the premiers repatriate the Constitution to make the Basic Law of the country without Quebec's consent. Since then, no Quebec government has agreed to ratify this constitution. Despite this rejection, we and our laws must accordance with it. If, as the judges of the Supreme Court, a law passed by our democratically provincial parliament does not respect the constitution, the government is expected to change. As demonstrated by the many impairments suffered by the French Language Charter, Bill 101 since its adoption in 1977.

Why do you think Christine St-Pierre, Minister of Culture at the provincial, refused to change the law 101 and give more teeth to the obvious setbacks of the French language (especially in Montreal) ? She knows that the Supreme Court declared these changes as unconstitutional, forcing her to do reverse. It would again highlight the relationship of domination between the judges of the Supreme Court, appointed by the Prime Minister of Canada and Quebec as a nation that speaks to the National Assembly through its elected representatives.

That's what really cost dear to Quebec workers Mr. Harper!

Monarchy, Senate and Supreme Court, these three institutions exist because of the Canadian Constitution, that even a majority government Ottawa can not amend. It is beyond belief to have to continue funding them indefinitely. The only option possible to get rid of this clique BS luxury homes and remain independent. Canada out of Quebec.

could be developed at length on the bill related to our relationship with Canadians with topics such as the fiscal imbalance, the culture of corruption that prevails in Ottawa, the looting of the employment insurance fund or election called for partisan reasons ...


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Virtue Theory And Abortion Discussion Questions

Colonialism in the 21st century

Once again, the political situation in Quebec borders on the ridiculous. I almost hesitate to say for fear of passing for an intolerant that incites hatred, but these days the leaders of the black community disjonctent completely.

They want to Victor-Lévy Beaulieu, who has dared to call the general information in a queen-negro The paper Aut'journal. However, attacks against VLB seem to be much worse than its text, as Liberal MP who compares a fool goes into a school equipped with a firearm. The same member who now wishes to violate freedom of expression to avoid this kind of "call violence ".

Michaëlle Jean, meanwhile, deserves strangely qu'éloges and admiration from them. Unfortunately, this way of defending that which has agreed to assume the office of vice-queen, they justify the policy choice of Mrs. Jean embody the monarchy, an institution that rhymes with English colonialism, exploitation and slavery.

I personally believe that taking a stand for the monarchical system and its defenders and claiming to restrict freedom of expression of others, the black community is currently profoundly anti-liberal discourse that has no place in Quebec. She found that VLB insensitivity towards him but we could easily return to Mrs. Jean criticism towards the people of Quebec. For the latter royalty, that represents Ms. Jean, symbolizes the repression that has endured long after the Conquest of 1760, for example, when Queen Victoria ordered the hanging and exile patriots. Therefore we do not celebrate Victoria Day, or Queen's Day here. We prefer to celebrate the ideas of republican parliamentary patriots. Quebec rejected the monarchy and the violence it he was subjected to imperialist reasons. Queen indeed never been welcome here as evidenced by the numerous demonstrations on his rare visits. Playing heir to this heritage, Ms. Jean shows a total disregard for our nation and its evolution. Far from a role model for young Haitians as the spokesperson says black, it is a specimen that they should denounce it. In accepting the role, she has insulted and turned back to the Quebec nation, of which the black community.

Also let's be clear, the trial Public VLB is also very serious because it becomes a form of verbal intimidation aimed at those who do not share the views of this group on how to use the words! That far exceeds the tax because of VLB and racist attempt to discredit him will strengthen an already unhealthy. People are reluctant to address certain sensitive issues in public for fear of appearing to be xenophobic. Yet, in a democracy are sensitive issues that need the most debate. This is vital. Therefore, avoid the pitfalls that can block trade and the deliberative process.

I would however like to hope that the Quebec people, the elite of this community misrepresents the silent majority. I wait a Haitian or a rose, not even to be an advocate for VLB, just to denounce a reaction that joins the harmful excesses. A dissenting voice in this family portrait what.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cost To Fix Prolapsed Anus On Dog

Review the strategic framework, take 2

The recent founding of a new nationalist group, the Independence Party marks a further step in the slow and painful splitting sovereignty movement since the failed referendum initiated 1995.

Indeed, hardly meeting within the Parti Quebecois in the dissolution of the NIR in 1968, advocates a Quebec country is now split between moderates and radicals. The soft against the purzédurs. The electoral versus purist.

So, now we end up with two parties separatists, competing and very different views on method of independence.

the PQ is desired to wait until the winning conditions for a referendum, while for the PI, just take power and declare independence.

In this context, the proposal contained in "Reviewing the strategic framework is offered a second life. Originally prepared by Robert Laplante ideas for Season, published in the journal National Action, it becomes an opportunity for reconciliation.

More moderate than the position of PI, more engaging than the process of PQ, it represents an action plan attached which can potentially bring the two formations.

What is this new program? Roughly, a PQ government would gestures of disruptions with the canadian government was preparing a draft constitution Country and submit it to the people by referendum. If it is earned, Quebec becomes independent, ipso facto.

Based on this strategy, representatives of the PQ and PI can initiate discussions and negotiate an agreement to unite again the pro-independence activists and avoid division of votes in provincial elections. Moreover, different organizations such as Le Quebecois separatists should not hesitate to push this and put pressure on our representatives. The success of our business depends.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Us Visa Application Id Lost

Sarkozy remains in your pov con!

France becomes one more pawn in the game Desmarais

We recently learned via the website Cyberpresse that Nicolas Sarkozy, the new French president could use his official visit to Canada this fall to redefine Quebec politics of France.

The relationship of France and Quebec in 1977 following the election of the first government sovereignty since the Act of the British North America (BNA-1867). France had once assured the people of Quebec for its solidarity with the adoption of approach "non-interference, non-indifference" or "support". If Quebecers wished them well in a country, France would recognize their declaration of independence and support their efforts.

Unfortunately, Sarkozy will break with that formula, which so far transcended the French left and right for 30 years to show a more pro-Canadian. But mostly it adds insult to injury by making the Summit of la Francophonie and the closing of the 400th anniversary of Quebec City.

What lack of class! Come tell us that we loose at the party of the founding of Quebec. What an insult worthy of a head of state, especially a French head of state. As well as making us all this way to announce it, remains at home.

course, no politician Quebec federalist not seek to defend Quebec's autonomy in its international relations. They do not particularly want to displease their master, Paul Desmarais said the kingmaker in Canadian politics. As he holds most of Quebec newspapers in addition to controlling the wealthy and influential lobby group the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), is better have it with you than against you.

Because we do not hide it, it is still a stroke of President of Power Corporation. Sarkozy and he are close friends for a long time, he managed to convince him to participate in its war against Quebec nationalists. France, as Sarkozy is abroad, thus becomes one more pawn in the political game Desmarais.

I can already hear André Pratte, editorial writer of the press, praising the courageous and intelligent of the French president and take a shit on the separatists who clearly do not understand the "new Global Context ".

When the Parti Quebecois, must see. Will he demand that Jean Charest's fighting for the Quebec? Against Canada? Will he expose the conflict of interest that inhabits this government? For now the PQ, in collaboration with the Quebec Liberal Party and the Action Democratique du Quebec, seems rather to activate repeat the surrender of Montreal in 1760.

It only remains to hope that our French cousins remind their president's responsibilities as a representative of the Republic abroad, and especially vis-à-vis the ties that bind our two nations.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Plain Hair Accessories

Large Yard - Divided language

The decline of French = slow disappearance of a people

The significant gains made after the adoption of the Charter French language Camille Laurin in 1977 have long since reached a ceiling and showing the boundaries of Bill 101 constantly buffeted by the Canadian courts and abandoned by Quebec politicians.

Now, progress seems to turn declines in the situation and begins to cause concern among francophones impatient with a political class frightened gesture of national affirmation.

The situation is worsening especially in Montreal where, if the trend continues, the French became a minority within the next few years.

The figures show a decline began. Despite that Quebec can choose a strong Francophone immigration and despite Bill 101, the percentage decreases in Montreal Quebec francophones in Quebec in general and, not surprisingly, Canada. In addition, the percentage of children attending English schools in Quebec is increasing gradually since the early 90s.

Current data forced the Quebec government to reassess its policy of integration of immigrants to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Time is short and a major shift is needed. To do so, preserving and promoting our culture through the French language has become the project of all Quebecers, no exceptions. Social cohesion depends in Quebec, or simply to live - together.

Such recovery requires the State Quebec, the guarantor of social cohesion, is launching a major project to reverse the trend and give a true force of attraction to our mother tongue. As leader, he must take the initiative in many areas and ensure we engage the public and businesses in achieving national goals clear. The government sends a strong signal and realistic, French is Quebec's future and our relations between regions, between communities and between generations. This is the condition of our development at all in a lasting social peace.

While the Quebec government will not put his pants, so to speak, an already alarming situation will get worse and could cause a social divide between Quebec French, concerned about his identity and the mother, who anglicized uncontrollably. It will also widen the gap between voters and politicians already wary incapable of daring.

Remember that as a people, before the sea of English speakers around us, before the power assimilator of Ottawa, to the omnipresence of English culture and English-speaking news agencies, the only pillar on which our nation can rely is the state of Quebec.

A major project - the language

This great national project introduced a series of measures to make responsible for our language its rightful place as a historical legacy as a wonderful communication tool and especially as pride a people which has resisted assimilation, at least so far ...

first measurement, recovery and reclamation of budgets dedicated to celebrating the National Day. The Liberal government Jean Charest did not hesitate when he was elected to slash funding for these festivities. Yet it is a tremendous opportunity for Quebecers of all origins to develop and express joy in the attachment to the bond between them, belonging to a nation that defines itself primarily by its language .

Then the French college for all. It admits the importance of school and work in the process of integration and learning French but no college in between, gross inconsistency. This hole in the law, it must immediately the bridge because the formation of labor is an indispensable element in the effort of a French language company. Young people learn the language at this point of reference that will follow them throughout their careers.

move on the reintroduction of an essential part of the Charter of the French language, display unilingual French. This is to stop sending mixed messages, one side in trumpeting the importance of French in Quebec and the other, allowing a bilingual signage that clearly indicates that new entrants can operate Quebec using only English.

The halt and cancel construction of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). What the MUHC? The current government is keen to go ahead with the construction of two mega-university hospitals in Montreal. It would be $ 3.6 billion, split 50-50 between McGill (English institution) and the University of Montreal (French-speaking institution). By funding such a project, Quebec acts bilingual state, it is not. He loses sight, as obviously it adds to the attraction of English while the French, with English stiff competition on the island of Montreal, has already lost ground and continues to lose.

Moreover, half of medical graduates of McGill will practice elsewhere, outside of Quebec, unlike the University of Montreal, whose graduates, the majority live in Quebec. We have become very rich to train physicians in Ontario and the United States with our taxes.

As another measure, the introduction of a citizenship Quebec necessary to participate in democratic life. That citizenship would be granted to all current residents of Quebec first, and then to any immigrant wishing to get able to demonstrate a good command of French. It confers the right to contribute to political parties, one to stand for municipal elections, school and provincial and finally of course, the right to vote. Newcomers understand. To participate fully in our democracy must accept certain responsibilities vis-à-vis the goals and hopes that animate our people, including the preservation and development our language.

citizenship without a Canada clause, no offense to Bernard Landry. When one wants to complete a project of such magnitude as the fight for the language, we must rely on all elements of society. Avoid the trap of some exceptions, which ruin the efforts of others.

Strand family

Too often when we talk about the future of French, it evades the question of valuing the family with one aspect, the integration of immigrants. Yet it also depends on a reversal of trends in fertility rates of Quebec born here. The shipyard must include a family component ambitious natalist policy with clear objectives and measurable to remove some barriers that prevent larger families.

start by giving back to people time to enjoy life a little and to better balance work and family. Imitate France and set a minimum of five weeks of vacation per year and this, in the first year of work.

Then complete the network of early childhood center (ECC) to eliminate the waiting list and freeze at seven dollars per day the cost per child.

Financing Treatment fertility. We do not at present but we pay for vasectomies. A logical review.

To conclude this virtual platform, the halves - that currently proposed by the Parti Quebecois is not enough to change anything in the situation. It takes strong action, dynamic and a clear and direct message about the social project that represents a French state.


Note: The Montreal French Movement (MMF) is circulating a petition to toughen the law 101. You can download leaflets in

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Open Or Closed Patella Knee

Those who do not already know may be surprised that the original strategy of the Parti Quebecois was simply to gain a majority of seats in the election and declare independence by a vote in the National Assembly. At that time, an electoral victory was a mandate to initiate the process leading to sovereignty.

Unfortunately, in 1974 Congress, delegates will draw a line on the electoral process and adhere to the management proposal, linking to a sovereignty referendum that the PQ would hold after his accession to power.

This is not to judge advocates who supported the difficult path advocated by the National Executive whose charismatic René Lévesque. Too easy when we have the advantage of reviewing a decision in hindsight and that one knows the consequences. But a balance is needed permanently. In 2008, Quebec has still not reached the rank of countries and sovereignists find themselves divided between green, supportive, PQ and ADQ. Certain lack of interest to empty and incoherent speech of heads of training rather stay home on election day.

This does not mean that the sovereignty movement finds himself doomed to extinction. Instead, surveys show that sovereignty remains a credible alternative entrenched and militant organizations is increasing. But politically, the separatists, and divided, find themselves completely neutralized.

To better redefine the future, independence must absolutely review the course and adapt their methods.

Theoretically, of course, a referendum seems more democratic. In a more realistic, however, this choice produces a perverse effect. He was instrumental in creating two enduring myths.

First, it sends the message relayed by a well class media complicity, that democratic legitimacy can not be obtained before project implementation. So, to legitimize the sovereignty, the PQ must obtain the approval of a majority of the population before realizing it. Castrating a logic that puts politicians in the wake of the media and polls and condemns them to no longer exercise any leadership.
Or just
, leadership, here's another way to collect a substantial popular support. The error that keeps alive the myth that no democracy without a referendum, remains from the beginning the idea completely ridiculous that a party that takes power with the most seats but not the majority of votes will never approval of the people to his project if he dares to put in motion anyway. A myth that does not hold water. Instead, the actions of a determined team can cause this support in the population, and legitimize the project in this way. This support can come forward and be measured In many ways, rallies support, satisfaction evident in the polls, a growth of militancy that would rank behind leadership finally assumed a higher profile sovereignists, support the economy and development by Quebec helped their national government, and even ... a referendum. The referendum does not necessarily precede the gestures preparing sovereignty. It can be used as validation of the approach before a declaration of independence, the final step of the process. But even without further approval before the election sovereignty, if it receives the support of people once it is made, it did not then won its legitimacy? The "democratic legitimacy" can be obtained at any time, the important thing is to get it, so that the country is sustainable.

Moreover, the current situation calls for pragmatism. The referendum, in theory, may seem democratic, but it's still the philosophy paper. On the ground of reality, the referendum is an area of struggle between two factions who seek to earn points to control the perceptions of target groups through messages advertising. Sovereignty is then limited to a marketing campaign rather than concrete political choices on the start of construction of the Quebec country. In this game, money determines the winner.

The second myth, like the first, consists in the belief that one can not achieve independence without a referendum, a vote of deputies to the National Assembly is not enough.

Yet a referendum is only consultative tool of government. No country declared its independence referendum. Members vote and declare
independence. Here too. If the PQ managed to win his referendum, Quebec does not declare its independence. Members should meet at the National Assembly passed a declaration of independence. The final word belongs to the deputies, who theoretically can still vote against and undo the results of the referendum. They have the authority to vote against or for, regardless of the referendum result. In France, MPs have just voted for accession to the new European constitution, despite a majority vote against in the referendum. He is the advisory referendum. Remember that in 1982, no referendum was required to impose a constitution that places from the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, appointed by the Prime Sinister, above our laws in Quebec.

Contrary to what some leaders have suggested, in response to the founding of the separatist Rene Levesque could, and should stay the course of the electoral process. They dared to assert wrongly on the air that Levesque could not achieve independence without a referendum. In politics everything is possible. He had to force the game rather than playing alone for democracy. Pierre Elliot Trudeau he cared about democracy to crush him before Quebec?


Friday, January 25, 2008

Ward's Ap Bio Lab 2 Answers

The minutes of this heritage Easter 1917. A corrupt elite

First World War, 1917, Prime Minister of Canada Robert Borden, impressed by the number of troops qu'entretient Australia decides it must compensate military losses by introducing conscription. The Canadian government passed the Military Service Act, against strong opposition from Quebec. Borden then triggers a general election, he wins, despite a massive vote against him in Quebec. His government has therefore more than the French Canadian militia and began to comb the province to find recruits who are hiding. The tension culminated in Quebec City on March 28 when the Federal Police intercepted in the street a French Canadian, unable to provide its certificate of exemption we stop it.

Outraged, thousands of civilians took to the streets, damaging the local newspaper pro-conscription, and some even dare to directly challenge the authority of the besieging Police Station Place Jacques Cartier, where federal police officers took refuge.

March 30, the central government is sending battalions of soldiers speaking to regain control of the situation. On 1 April, Easter Monday, soldiers and protesters clash physically. The crowd is yelling in English to disperse before being savagely attacked with swords, rifles and machine guns. Four men were killed.

Honore Bergeron. Alexandre Bussieres. George Demeule. Joseph Edward Smith.

coroner to conclude the innocence of the four victims and recommend, in vain, the federal government to compensate families.

From this time, federalist politicians today talk obviously prefers the great battles overseas that have enabled Canada to access a UN seat.

It reminds me of an African proverb that I pull a book by Pierre Falardeau.

Until the lions have their historians, tales of hunting will continue to glorify the hunter.


Friday, January 4, 2008

Tie Dye Peace Sign Cake

The Mulroney - Schreiber

This year, one story in particular caught the attention of media and public, that of Mulroney - Schreiber. Summarize briefly.

Karlheinz Schreiber is a German lobbyist who, during the years 1980 and 1990, has done business on both sides of the Atlantic.

We know of the man he has hit 8.8 million Airbus company following the sale of 34 aircraft to Air Canada, a Crown corporation. However, in 2003, the Globe n Mail published an article that revealed that former prime minister Brian Mulroney received $ 300 000 Schreiber. Is there a pot of wine for Airbus contract? The RCMP already knew of the payment but found no connection between that sum and pocketed millions that Schreiber Airbus in the contract and has therefore closed the investigation.

Under oath, Schreiber contends that he entered into an agreement with Mulroney while he always assumed the duties of prime minister to pay cash after leaving office.

In November 2007, reacting to allegations by Schreiber, Mulroney calls for public inquiry to clear his name. Stephen Harper, resigned, announces a public inquiry and the RCMP, she resumed her investigation.

And in December 2007, Mulroney admits to having accepted cash from Schreiber and not to be deposited in the bank. But he denies any wrongdoing. According to him, Schreiber had hired him to promote projects of the German multinational Thyssen. Unfortunately, Mulroney has no document to support its contention. But as Schreiber can not prove his allegations of wrongdoing, a public inquiry is no longer necessary he believes. The ostrich

Obviously, most observers and commentators are skeptical of a former Canadian prime minister who accepts envelopes of cash money without asking too many questions, especially when one knows both the law that Mr. Mulroney.

Yet, André Pratte, La Presse columnist, began the contrary, tooth and nail to defend the former prime minister. Indeed, when a whiff of scandal has arisen, it has deployed an amazing zeal to minimize the matter.

"Despite extensive investigations, police and journalists, there is still no evidence that Mr. Mulroney has behaved so wrong when he was prime minister. If there is a link between the money he received from Mr. Schreiber and the Airbus purchase by Air Canada is an indirect link qu'ignorait very probably Mr. Mulroney. "

Editorial Press-Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - A reputation at stake

"In our view, the mandate [of the Public Inquiry] should be narrow rather than wide. While it is important to know the truth about these disturbing facts, avoid washing of dirty laundry that would not serve the public interest. "

Editorial Press - Wednesday, November 14, 2007 - A perilous

"Having sought for days holding a public inquiry into Mulroney - Schreiber, the opposition has finally fold the Prime Minister. But the investigation will not happen soon enough for their taste - that is to say, early enough to embarrass the government. Liberals, Bloc and NDP have decided to hold their own mock investigation, through a parliamentary committee. The discovery of truth is the last of their worries.

All they want is undermine their political opponents. This explains their complacency with regard to the indecent doubtful Karlheinz Schreiber. "

Editorial Press - Saturday, December 8, 2007 - Shame on the members!

Why this stubbornness on the part of Pratte refused to go further instead of demanding that light be shed on this matter?

Perhaps a part of the answer lies in the relations between his boss Paul Desmarais.

Who is Paul Desmarais? The king-maker of Canadian politics. " Nothing less

The rich

Born prosperous, he works primarily in transport and then to invest in insurance, newspapers and publishing. In 1968, he took control of Power Corporation.

Today, the Power Corporation owns, in addition to numerous insurance companies, 100% of the media empire that publishes Gesca La Presse, Le Soleil, La Voix de l'Est, La Tribune, Le Nouvelliste, The Right, The Daily and one of the busiest Web sites in Quebec, Cyberpresse. Gesca and managed to harvest 53% of the total circulation of French newspapers Quebec.

Desmarais's commitment to federalism is reflected in the media that he has rejected any form of Quebec nationalism. His journals also seem very inclined to advocate the privatization of the health system, which is not surprising. Power Corp. maneuvering in the field of insurance, Desmarais considers health care as a potentially lucrative market. It should come as no surprise that he tries to steer the public debate about openness to private health insurance.

In politics, he is the Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Claude Ryan and Jean Charest. He also Paul Martin helped to acquire Canada Steamship Lines. In addition, the network has Desmarais most influential Federalists recent decades and many international personalities whose towering French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Which leads to Mulroney, a close friend of Desmarais. The relationship has lasted 70 years when Mulroney helped him solve a difficult labor dispute at the newspaper La Presse. Subsequently, Desmarais and his newspapers supported the effort to close the Mulroney constitutional issue. So

Pratte is he commanded to carry on mission to rescue boyfriend's boss? Worse, does it smother this story before it reveals a larger problem and generalized? Who wants Desmarais he really protecting?

Besides, this is not the only case where Pratte activated to please his master recently. Do you know


Basically, the initiative of firms Gaz Metro, Gaz de France and Enbridge is to build a liquefied natural gas terminal on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River in Lévis, including a pier that extends 500 meters into the river to receive LNG tankers loaded with liquid gas from overseas and a pipeline of 42 km to the network Inter.

The economic importance of the St - Lawrence in Quebec requires caution, as the environmental management of this heritage. The idea definitely sow controversy and, if the opponents are still few, they are well rooted and have discovered a flagship in Thomas Mulcair, the newly elected Democrat. However, the Charest government supports the project completely and uses all its privileges to expedite the approval process to the detriment, according Mulcair, security of the population.

Press supports investors

Pratt, meanwhile, offer unconditional support to the project Rabaska.

"Since the Office of Environmental Public Hearing and its federal counterpart have endorsed the project to build a liquefied natural gas terminal in Lévis, near Quebec, opponents of the project announced" a new Suroît ", meaning where as in the proposed gas plant, public opinion will force the Charest government to back down.
It is far from certain that such mobilization occurs. In any case, it would certainly not be justified.
[...] If
Rabaska, in fact, little in common with Suroît, it has even less with the other folder where the Charest government has stumbled, that of Mount Orford. Much he had been botched, both the LNG terminal project has been carefully prepared by the consortium Gaz Metropolitain - Enbridge - Gaz de France. The group has so far taken all the steps imposed by governments. That leaves two more: the approval of the Commission to preserve agricultural land and that of the National Energy. If governments were, after all this, say no to Rabaska investors understand the laws here, evaluation environmental, administrative tribunals, it is a sham. That Quebec is the world's total political arbitrariness. "

Editorial Press-Friday, July 27, 2007 - Another Suroît?

"The Charest government announced last week that divesting the Commission for Protection of Agricultural Land (CPTAQ) file Rabaska LNG terminal in Lévis. Groups opposed to the project and opposition parties protested. But this decision was necessary.

There is nothing improper about this approach. Article 96 of the Act on the Protection of Natural agriculture that the government may "remove a case from the jurisdiction" of the Commission, has been the adoption of legislation in 1978.
[...] The study
CPTAQ seemed to take several months. The publication by the Commission last month of a "draft guidance" negative signs were lengthy exchanges between the organization and sponsors. Moreover, many opponents had asked to be heard, which was indicative of a recovery before the Board the discussion held during the months before the BAPE. In this context, the government had no choice.
However, the government was not only his right but was right to stop the studies and consultations. Rabaska is good for Quebec's economy and good for the environment. It's called ... sustainable development. "

Editorial Press - Tuesday, October 9, 2007 - The right decision

Clearly, Pratte joined enthusiastically in Rabaska. Why? Probably because of the link between the project Desmarais. Gaz de France co-pilot the proposed LNG terminal. However, Gaz de France since its privatization, the company owned by Suez, a subsidiary of Power Corp..


Unfortunately for Pratt, his intellectual bowing before his employer does not the student over her role as pawn in the political game Desmarais. Fortunately for us, thanks to the Internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to conceal the real purpose of the daily La Presse is to convince the public that their welfare depends on private interests of Paul Desmarais. This is probably the largest and longest marketing campaigns that Quebec has seen but hope remains that she is coming to an end.


Note: For those who wish read the editorial in La Presse in whole, I invite you to visit