Saturday, March 29, 2008

Us Visa Application Id Lost

Sarkozy remains in your pov con!

France becomes one more pawn in the game Desmarais

We recently learned via the website Cyberpresse that Nicolas Sarkozy, the new French president could use his official visit to Canada this fall to redefine Quebec politics of France.

The relationship of France and Quebec in 1977 following the election of the first government sovereignty since the Act of the British North America (BNA-1867). France had once assured the people of Quebec for its solidarity with the adoption of approach "non-interference, non-indifference" or "support". If Quebecers wished them well in a country, France would recognize their declaration of independence and support their efforts.

Unfortunately, Sarkozy will break with that formula, which so far transcended the French left and right for 30 years to show a more pro-Canadian. But mostly it adds insult to injury by making the Summit of la Francophonie and the closing of the 400th anniversary of Quebec City.

What lack of class! Come tell us that we loose at the party of the founding of Quebec. What an insult worthy of a head of state, especially a French head of state. As well as making us all this way to announce it, remains at home.

course, no politician Quebec federalist not seek to defend Quebec's autonomy in its international relations. They do not particularly want to displease their master, Paul Desmarais said the kingmaker in Canadian politics. As he holds most of Quebec newspapers in addition to controlling the wealthy and influential lobby group the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), is better have it with you than against you.

Because we do not hide it, it is still a stroke of President of Power Corporation. Sarkozy and he are close friends for a long time, he managed to convince him to participate in its war against Quebec nationalists. France, as Sarkozy is abroad, thus becomes one more pawn in the political game Desmarais.

I can already hear André Pratte, editorial writer of the press, praising the courageous and intelligent of the French president and take a shit on the separatists who clearly do not understand the "new Global Context ".

When the Parti Quebecois, must see. Will he demand that Jean Charest's fighting for the Quebec? Against Canada? Will he expose the conflict of interest that inhabits this government? For now the PQ, in collaboration with the Quebec Liberal Party and the Action Democratique du Quebec, seems rather to activate repeat the surrender of Montreal in 1760.

It only remains to hope that our French cousins remind their president's responsibilities as a representative of the Republic abroad, and especially vis-à-vis the ties that bind our two nations.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Plain Hair Accessories

Large Yard - Divided language

The decline of French = slow disappearance of a people

The significant gains made after the adoption of the Charter French language Camille Laurin in 1977 have long since reached a ceiling and showing the boundaries of Bill 101 constantly buffeted by the Canadian courts and abandoned by Quebec politicians.

Now, progress seems to turn declines in the situation and begins to cause concern among francophones impatient with a political class frightened gesture of national affirmation.

The situation is worsening especially in Montreal where, if the trend continues, the French became a minority within the next few years.

The figures show a decline began. Despite that Quebec can choose a strong Francophone immigration and despite Bill 101, the percentage decreases in Montreal Quebec francophones in Quebec in general and, not surprisingly, Canada. In addition, the percentage of children attending English schools in Quebec is increasing gradually since the early 90s.

Current data forced the Quebec government to reassess its policy of integration of immigrants to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Time is short and a major shift is needed. To do so, preserving and promoting our culture through the French language has become the project of all Quebecers, no exceptions. Social cohesion depends in Quebec, or simply to live - together.

Such recovery requires the State Quebec, the guarantor of social cohesion, is launching a major project to reverse the trend and give a true force of attraction to our mother tongue. As leader, he must take the initiative in many areas and ensure we engage the public and businesses in achieving national goals clear. The government sends a strong signal and realistic, French is Quebec's future and our relations between regions, between communities and between generations. This is the condition of our development at all in a lasting social peace.

While the Quebec government will not put his pants, so to speak, an already alarming situation will get worse and could cause a social divide between Quebec French, concerned about his identity and the mother, who anglicized uncontrollably. It will also widen the gap between voters and politicians already wary incapable of daring.

Remember that as a people, before the sea of English speakers around us, before the power assimilator of Ottawa, to the omnipresence of English culture and English-speaking news agencies, the only pillar on which our nation can rely is the state of Quebec.

A major project - the language

This great national project introduced a series of measures to make responsible for our language its rightful place as a historical legacy as a wonderful communication tool and especially as pride a people which has resisted assimilation, at least so far ...

first measurement, recovery and reclamation of budgets dedicated to celebrating the National Day. The Liberal government Jean Charest did not hesitate when he was elected to slash funding for these festivities. Yet it is a tremendous opportunity for Quebecers of all origins to develop and express joy in the attachment to the bond between them, belonging to a nation that defines itself primarily by its language .

Then the French college for all. It admits the importance of school and work in the process of integration and learning French but no college in between, gross inconsistency. This hole in the law, it must immediately the bridge because the formation of labor is an indispensable element in the effort of a French language company. Young people learn the language at this point of reference that will follow them throughout their careers.

move on the reintroduction of an essential part of the Charter of the French language, display unilingual French. This is to stop sending mixed messages, one side in trumpeting the importance of French in Quebec and the other, allowing a bilingual signage that clearly indicates that new entrants can operate Quebec using only English.

The halt and cancel construction of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). What the MUHC? The current government is keen to go ahead with the construction of two mega-university hospitals in Montreal. It would be $ 3.6 billion, split 50-50 between McGill (English institution) and the University of Montreal (French-speaking institution). By funding such a project, Quebec acts bilingual state, it is not. He loses sight, as obviously it adds to the attraction of English while the French, with English stiff competition on the island of Montreal, has already lost ground and continues to lose.

Moreover, half of medical graduates of McGill will practice elsewhere, outside of Quebec, unlike the University of Montreal, whose graduates, the majority live in Quebec. We have become very rich to train physicians in Ontario and the United States with our taxes.

As another measure, the introduction of a citizenship Quebec necessary to participate in democratic life. That citizenship would be granted to all current residents of Quebec first, and then to any immigrant wishing to get able to demonstrate a good command of French. It confers the right to contribute to political parties, one to stand for municipal elections, school and provincial and finally of course, the right to vote. Newcomers understand. To participate fully in our democracy must accept certain responsibilities vis-à-vis the goals and hopes that animate our people, including the preservation and development our language.

citizenship without a Canada clause, no offense to Bernard Landry. When one wants to complete a project of such magnitude as the fight for the language, we must rely on all elements of society. Avoid the trap of some exceptions, which ruin the efforts of others.

Strand family

Too often when we talk about the future of French, it evades the question of valuing the family with one aspect, the integration of immigrants. Yet it also depends on a reversal of trends in fertility rates of Quebec born here. The shipyard must include a family component ambitious natalist policy with clear objectives and measurable to remove some barriers that prevent larger families.

start by giving back to people time to enjoy life a little and to better balance work and family. Imitate France and set a minimum of five weeks of vacation per year and this, in the first year of work.

Then complete the network of early childhood center (ECC) to eliminate the waiting list and freeze at seven dollars per day the cost per child.

Financing Treatment fertility. We do not at present but we pay for vasectomies. A logical review.

To conclude this virtual platform, the halves - that currently proposed by the Parti Quebecois is not enough to change anything in the situation. It takes strong action, dynamic and a clear and direct message about the social project that represents a French state.


Note: The Montreal French Movement (MMF) is circulating a petition to toughen the law 101. You can download leaflets in