Friday, December 19, 2008

How Long It Take For Metrondazole To Work

What future for Quebec?

. Made in Canada

57 billion. A sum so enormous that it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp the true magnitude and scope. But they know. They know we're talking about much too much money. Yet this is the total amount the Government of Canada have been robbed for a little over 10 years.

In 1996, the Liberal government of Jean Chretien, then the symbol of federalism in Quebec decided, without consulting anyone, to dip into the Employment Insurance fund. Similarly, it alone will determine the amount of money to collect. Remember that the employment insurance program is financed exclusively by contributions from workers and employers. It is used to provide temporary income to unemployed. By redirecting the funds for other purposes, Ottawa transforms this system into a new form of taxation. A fee to work so to speak.

is the same Liberal government of Jean Chrétien created the sponsorship program, which ended in the most total disrepute, one of greatest scandals of our time. All this in the name of unity "national."

While the Liberals were looting the workers' money to pay off the debt of the central government, they went quietly government funds to the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) through dishonest advertising. They have not bothered to to fill their pockets at taxpayer expense. A well organized, prepared to make war with the evil separatists.

People in need should tighten their belts while the government was acting bandit. He squandered the funds of the Insurance Fund Employment raise premiums, slashing benefits and restricted access. But the PLC, he does not lack generous donations ... the Canadian government.

57 billion

We have before us another unspeakable scandal and indifference is the worst bond. Through its actions, the Ottawa government has disgraced forever. Consider the possible, get rid of realizing the independence of Quebec people. We need today, to resume our courage in both hands, put both feet on the ground and defeat this evil government which has served us so poorly since 1840. Ask him to withdraw, politely, respectfully, but with firmness and determination.

We can do it. Nobody can question our democratic right to self determination. Thanks to the persistence of the Bloc Quebecois, even the House of Commons has finally recognized that Quebecers form a nation.

There are two states in Quebec and there are one too many. Quebec sovereignty is neither extreme nor extremist. On the contrary, if Quebec had said yes in 1995, none of this would have happened. Quebec would have its problems as it is true every country in the world. But it would be our problems, our decisions, our solutions, and most importantly, we would have avoided the shenanigans of the Canadian state against its own citizens. One would get rid of the monarchy, the senate and the Canadian Constitution, that other Liberal scandal of modern times (they collect). It is better to learn by trial and error, to manage its own state of always depend on good governance of a state that does not control and which, anyway, was imposed on us by force.

is why I propose that we take Canada out of Quebec. Quebec

Let our country.
