Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Help My Endometriosis Hurts

Then and Now Historical Moment

1840 - London Schedule Quebec by force with the Act of Union following the lifting of parliamentary Patriots who were denied government accountable.

Given the stubborn refusal of London to give the government accountable to parliament and members of Lower Canada, the Patriot Party organized many public meetings soon banned by the governor but continue nonetheless. English citizens, a minority in Lower Canada, are unacceptable to let the Canadians (the French) government freely and decide to arm themselves. Given the turmoil that now reigns in the province, the governor pushed through martial law and issued arrest warrants for treason against many Canadians. The rebellion broke out. The Governor directs the crackdown and crushed the revolt, the rebels and the French population in general.

The British authorities then sent Lord Durham to investigate the events that just took place. He signed a report in which he explains that the Lower Canada must rely on another power. Minorized Canadians must be able to assimilate them thereafter. To get there, it would unite the two Canadas.

"One can hardly conceive nationality more destitute of all that can invigorate and elevate a people as the descendants of the French in Lower Canada, because they have kept their language and their customs. They are a people without history or literature. "

London decides to follow the recommendations of the report racist and Durham, taking advantage of the weak position is located in the Lower Canadians, annex by force the Lower to Upper Canada Canada. In the new entity, United Canada, Canadians find themselves a minority in terms of deputations for despite a population well above the Lower Canada gets only half the seats. The act of aggression that is the Act of Union marks the end of the repression of the rebellion that began when a political solution in simple and practical minorized the colonized. It also marks the birth of Canada on the basis of modern refusal to recognize the French Canadians the right to govern a democratic state of which they form the majority.

1982-Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the premiers repatriate the Constitution to make the Basic Law of the country without Quebec's consent.

When in 1979 Rene Levesque, then Prime Minister, announces a referendum on Quebec sovereignty, the official opposition leader, Claude Ryan, began to agree with him on importance of non-interference of the federal government.

But before Ryan's incompetence as head of the clan of NO, the Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau eager to get involved in the referendum campaign. In his last speech before the referendum, Trudeau promised to review the federalism for Quebec open to requests if they win the NO.

The day after the defeat of the Yes camp, says he wants Trudeau repatriated the Canadian Constitution Act of British North America (AANB-1867), and renew. Despite the difficult process premiers English reach an agreement with the federal government. In fact, to garner support from a majority of provinces, Trudeau will be many proposals for concessions to the provinces without recalcitrant only offer anything in Quebec. Contrary to his promises pre-referendum, Trudeau sought to isolate Quebec and succeeds. The agreement is honed at night without the knowledge and the absence of Lévesque and his delegation believed that the talks should resume tomorrow. But the next day, the federal government and the nine provincial premiers are celebrating an agreement that allows Quebec that Canada can he impose a new constitutional order without her consent. The Conquest of 1760 version of democracy minorization.

Since 1982, Quebec has never agreed to ratify this constitution. Yet, despite a glaring lack of democratic legitimacy, it continues to apply. Every interest group provided well in money may ask the Supreme Court of Canada to rule on the constitutionality of any law in Quebec. The English have done with the language laws in Quebec and were thus forced the Quebec government to dilute the law 101. More recently, Judges of the Supreme Court asked the Charest government to open the public health system to private suite at the request of Dr. Jacques Chaoulli, a researcher at the Montreal Economic Institute.

Privatizing health care system, even in part should be a collective decision and not a few individuals we must assume impartial. Yet, thanks to a constitution that Quebec does not sign the opinion of some judges appointed by the Canadian prime minister takes precedence over the democratic will of Quebecers as expressed in the National Assembly through its elected members.

What differentiates the historic period preceding the birth of modern Canada by the Act of Union from today?

Quebecers do not freely acceded to the 1982 Constitution the same way we do not ask them before imposing the policy framework that followed 1760. Like English governor (appointed by London) before the rebellion of the Patriotes, judges (appointed by the Prime Minister of Canada) reserve the right to review and block the laws of the Quebec Parliament. In this sense, the rulers of today are fighting for responsible government as well as the Patriots yesterday. The methods have changed (renunciation of violence) but not the reasons.



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