Monday, February 28, 2011

Can We Hold Ups Delivery

and it was there, the complex 39, that the parts were assembled into a cube-shaped building huge, the Vehicle Assembly Building, 158 meters high, a building about as big the Merchandise Mart in Chicago placed over the Pentagon. Covering an area of 3.2 hectares, occupying a volume of 3,612,000 cubic meters, the Vehicle Assembly Building was constructed without windows, decorated the outside using huge concentric rectangles gray-green and gray anthracite gray ivory and gray-blue it looked like a block of wood painted by a sculptor, but he had more than fifty stories, it was also thought to walls a large store of gargantuan suburb built by an architect in mind disturbed. If its volume was the largest building in the world, the Vehicle Assembly Building, as we saw planted on the extent of the marshes filled Cape, a candidate should be well positioned for the ugliest building in the world. Where we came near the, was the finest specimen of architectural fungoides.
However, as soon as we entered inside, it was perhaps one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Erected to enable the simultaneous assembly of four vehicles Saturn Apollo to the Moon, so it was open enough to allow enough space for maneuvering cranes that qautre plunged by huge windows, each of these niches high enough to house the entire rocket (which was the author of thirty-six stories). As this in turn was based on a carrier, called a ramp, some size too, the doors of the four bays were therefore more than four storeys each and were quite high and quite wide, it was claimed, to pass between their leaves the UN building or the Statue of Liberty. Yet despite its size, the VAB was no decoration on the inside, it was rather a real shipyard, an assemblage of steel beams supporting the floors integers that could rise and fall, to then be able the slide as a desk drawer for steel to surround each rocket e-platform work. Since some of these platforms adjustable included three entire floors, inside the VAB was a complex of buildings within buildings, with entire buildings hanging ten, twenty and thirty floors above the ground. Since the sides were generally open platforms could watch other constellations of beams and buildings which stood inside the building and so high that it was, we could always see floor of VAB, sometimes forty stories below. One detail, however: it was always intériuer a confined space, and inside the building, the light provided by translucent panels rising from floor to ceiling was very pale, barely higher than the light inside a church or an old railway station. So we lost all sense of being in a familiar setting: it could be all up in the rafters of a bridge built under the dome of a vast underground city under construction, or on the scaffolding of a cathedral unfinished but monumental, magnificent in this dark, smoky in this tangle of crowded structures, widths and relics and volumes of empty space beneath a ceiling, with the show rockets causing huge hidden behind the network of platforms work. We did not know if it was still on its floor, a platform, bridge, a permanent or ephemeral fabric of this huge metal beams in constant motion, suspended walkways and cranes. There was a feeling of being behind the scene of an opera, the view was also complex, but since the floor could see the ceiling and the ceiling was more than fifty stories high. Watching the rocket's upper floors, or the highest level which would move the crew was exposed to study the extent of his own dizzy. Down, down, soul loss, while low, after a protracted decline was the floor of the building, forty floors below. The breath that were found in his chest rises from the depths of the abyss. And in a corner of the floor, like a stamp on the edge of a large envelope, there was a square bordered by a cordon of several cents ahead of the tourists gaping yellow cranes and girders battleship gray color.

Fire on the Moon, Norman Mailer, 1969, 1970, ed. Robert Laffont for trad. 1971, 2009

Can You Play The Simpsons Hit And Run Online

To try to protect as much as possible of all infections astronauts before launch, they are kept in a quarantine so limited: they avoided all contact with non-essential personnel. As journalists fell into this category, we had for the press conference that day, installed Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins on the scene in a plastic box about three feet wide and fifty, three meters deep and three meters high. Fans arranged inside the plastic chamber with three walls blowing air behind them to the public so that the air breathed by astronauts entered the room but the air laden with germs rejected by Journalists did not make as much.

Fire on the Moon, Norman Mailer, 1969, 1970, ed. Robert Laffont for trad. 1971, 2009

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Facebook Unremove Posts

The Caisse! Too good to be true!

February 27, 2011.

Recover 50 billion in two years! Too good to be true!

is great art, that of throwing dust in the eyes of gullible people ... The more the lie is big, more Quebecers believe, is the same as promises of tax cuts of 1 billion dollars per year for 5 years. Our

junkies tell us that the power deficit of over $ 40 billion would have been filled ...

To accumulate the 150 billion Caisse de depot, it took our fathers and grandfathers from 50 to 60 years hard labors, even though the directors of the fund were deemed among the best management teams in the world.

Charest On arrival in the Caisse de depot, everything started to skid, Charest changed the rules of the game and involved investments at very high risk who have incurred losses of nearly a third of our assets, more than 40 billion dollars.

I believe we are currently witnessing a misuse of funds and a voluntary impoverishment of the population by selling assets for the benefit of private friends, like all the other shenanigans have already demonstrated, sponsorships , judicial appointments, brown envelopes, reasonable accommodation, etc ....

I think quite impossible to replenish losses of 50 billion in a short time without involving accounting maneuvers in a numbers game and liquidations suspicious assets. Even Sophie Cousineau
Cyberpresse are suspicious of the hidden benefits statements announced, "... In the case of infrastructure and real estate debt, the ups and downs are of exceptional magnitude, if not suspicious. ... Sophie Cousineau, The Canadian Press. "

I invite all citizens to be wary at the highest level of these people from another culture who would impose their domination is now documented on my site and my blog. Many

we were hoodwinked by smooth talkers to Jones, Lacroix, Fairmont and others.

I suspect these statements are enough profits to invite you to beware of these people, regardless of title, which not only have our interests at heart but also our capital and our assets.

If it sounds too good to be true is that it is not.
Too many things are hidden from us so that these statements are credible.

Quebecers, act, the alarm will be more painful than the loss of several million Norbourg and Company.

A recovery of 50 billion loss in only two or three years can never be credible without full transparency of the investments currently. It corresponds to a recovery of 34% profit on capital, while interest rates, investment returns and the general economy are at their lowest.

I think it takes us for fools and it is time we woke up together.

Some other information

Mr. Sabia is deemed liquidations in the arrangements to private institutions and that's not all glorious, see Wiki
"Sabia's supervisor, Clerk of the Privy Council Paul Tellier, left The Public Service to assume presidency of The Crown corporation Canadian National Railway in the Early 1990s and subsequently Sabia Persuaded to Follow Him to help in Privatizing The Company. Held a number of sabia executive positions at Canadian National Railway "during the 1990, Including The position of chief financial officer."

Many of the investments of the Caisse de depot are now outside of Quebec and Canada in particular his Also, see Sophie Cousineau
"Editor Roland Lescure, Senior Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Caisse de depot has increased very significant investment in shares. These investments totaled $ 72 billion at December 31 compared to 56 billion a year earlier, representing 48% of net assets. Canadian equities represent over a quarter of that amount. However, these actions are much more influenced by oil prices and fluctuations in commodity prices ... "

.... In 2009, for example, the real estate debt portfolio had melted the fifth (-20.3%!), Mainly due to the collapse of the U.S. market. ... "

We also learn that the Caisse de depot liquid assets in favor of private :
"Daniel Fournier, seemed sated a Monopoly player who controls and Promenade Park, referring to the $ 160 million gain pocketed from the sale of 1330 Avenue of the Americas, New York. ... "

Agree that this year 2010, these two portfolios have performed closed a nasty turn positive. Is this due to the underperformance against the previous year? Impossible to know, since their wallets closed and benchmarks are evaluated in isolation. By independent experts, do we hasten to add ... see, Michel Girard

"specialists "In handling can say whatever the numbers.
I sincerely believe that we are dealing with such characters.

Thanks for being there.

Jean-Pierre Plourde.
ref. Internal Ref. POL815-MICHAEL-FEV11 ^ SABIA

Friday, February 25, 2011

Zopiclone Overdose Quantities

Live International Exhibition of Agriculture

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Movie With Indian Action Figures

The rampage continues ...

The rampage continues.

JJJ Charest's admirers would do well to watch this video. . The scam

exceeds all qualifiers Jones, Lacroix MountRoyal and others.

In Quebec, nothing is in the interests of citizens;
wastage of public funds, CHUM built by entrepreneurs in Britain and elsewhere, diversion of our engineering firm that soon we will impose English, strict control of information and media, squandering our assets, etc.. How
believe that the cash deposit which is alleged to have lowered the asset at $ 150 billion we will enjoy. Sabia investments are mostly abroad, I believe that our assets will be difficult to repatriate. How can we believe these scammers that enslave our citizens and distribute our assets and territories to the wind.

Quebecers wake up at this rate we will all soon be on the straw, and ragged kneeling before Ottawa expropriated and dispossessed to jabber in English. They will make war with our own assets, let's recognize our true friends.

Against 10 million set for the referendum of 1995, 5 for 5 for the YES and NO, have opposed federal hundreds of millions with our support of multinational companies that have provided policy makers and other hundreds of million. These multinationals are now moving to the Fund in order to receive bonuses for their political loyalty "Liberal" out of our assets and our wealth.

Being stripped of our assets and denied the right to work, which in 10-20 years, will pay for our social services, pensions, hospitals and other services.

The future is now.

Quebecers act ... racism against us grows.

Thanks for being there.

Jean-Pierre Plourde.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Army Dui Counseling Examples

CHUM and English in sixth contradict Charest's speech.

CHUM and English in sixth contradict Charest's speech:

I ask Quebecers to understand the following:

In electing the NO side of the 1995 referendum. Charest grabbed our economy. Our economies and our businesses change hands, see: Assimilation in civil engineering to enforce the language of work.
Charest destroyed our one to one currently in power relations in our own country.

We are a people in a state of depression. We already have the highest suicide rate in Canada.

Under the Charest government, not just Quebecers lose their language and culture but also their territories, their freedom, as a province of Canada and the constitutional right of representation in their own country. A Quebec Anglophone become a federal territory, see: A Common . By transferring our territories to a minority of less than 1%, we will inherit Guardianship Ottawa holds on them and we give it a veto against any development for our Francophone communities. Ottawa will break our laws without asking our opinion.

The throne speech he delivered today confirms my expectations.
1. Our children will be forced to abandon their language to work in another way, learning English will be imposed in the sixth year. It is the strongest expression of desire by Charest to assimilate us and we disperse, it will be hard and in all areas, apartheid is over.
2. Our artists will receive grants to shine abroad, read here to get grants, the artists will sing in English and assimilate.

We are a people unconscious, here is what the blog said: Michel Hebert.

Citizens must know that their children's future depends on them, indifference is our worst enemy and our culture, the preservation of our economy. Losing our language means agreeing to disappear, see Live free or die .

Today we learned that firms engaged to build the Chum are all foreign and funded by our taxes. It is typically a very important message that is similar to the losses of the Caisse de depot and irresponsible investments of the Hydro-Quebec generated by Charest, see CHUM without genius. I see the signs of a drift, misuse of public funds against the interests of taxpayers.

A prosperous country develops its economy in the culture of its citizens to create jobs and benefit of its citizens. to create a pride in living together in the respect of his neighbors. A country

develops according to the interests of its citizens and culture of the latter.

Any people who abandons his culture is losing its economy to the benefit of another culture.

Quebec saw the conquest and following the implementation of the Durham report, see, act

Thanks for being there.

Jean-Pierre Plourde
visit my blog

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Huntik Season 2 In The Uk

hijacked our democracy ... Gigantic

comment to the article of Duty:

our democracy hijacked? From: Louis-Gilles Francoeur News February 19, 2011 in society, see this article address on Le Devoir.

Comment from: Jean-Pierre Plourde.

The technique called "divide and conquer" is applied on a large scale by the Government JJJCharest. The election

first JJJCharest under false promises of irresponsible tax cuts of 1 billion per year for five years. More lies are bigger, people think, see, video of Jean-René Dufort.

Accommodations "unreasonable" or "against nature" which require a majority to disappear and abandon their culture, rights, territories, etc. ... The commissioners evidently been chosen based on expected results on the citizens. Immigration

English mass in Montreal, the non-lawyer is to reverse the majority of francophones.

Control of the media are suggesting to the citizens of Montreal that they must close areas without telling them that they have trillions in resources and investments that make your mouth water multinationals, see this document .

He'll have to wake up one day and stop thinking up a hypothetical that has always negotiated behind our backs as repatriation of the constitution of 1982. The treaty says the common approach we will trust, see this document

To get a graphic idea of the position of the "Province" of Quebec in Canada, see the most important document that all Quebecers should understand

Thanks for being there.

Jean-Pierre Plourde,

Friday, February 18, 2011

Goalie Mask Itech Envy 7


See this video showing all the efforts of Rene Levesque to put us in the world.
Rene Levesque

It is now renounce all this and get loot from our territories.

80% of our citizens are not aware that Charest we withdraw our territories. Phew ....

inform all, it is urgent.

Jean-Pierre Plourde,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Romeo And Juliet Roman

nomadic art in Paris, J-2: Ask the program! Getting

From 19 to 27 February 2011 in the Salon International de l'Agriculture in Paris-Porte de Versailles (Parc des Expositions, Hall 7.2), nomadic art is Titilleur papillae Chief to Stand in the Limousin region.

For the second time, the Limousin Region and the Regional Tourism Committee invited the association to disseminate its nomadic art actions - sometimes in the form of performance - to young and old of all nationalities. Promote the heritage and culinary imagination Limousin - and extension of each - is the main issue of this intervention outsized. So the heart of a farmer's market a funny car peddler of contemporary art (like trucks traveling our campaigns) will deploy to the public its customized workshops, daily from 9am to 19h at private sale from Tuesday 22, from 20h to 22h and 23h until Friday, February 25. Everyone is encouraged to put their hands in the dough and register in its own way in this work share.

A participatory and collective work ...
The inhabitants of the Limousin, First Ambassadors of their region - which had already responded overwhelmingly in 2006 to a call for participation has helped build the famous cabinet of curiosities Limousine - were again solicited. For this 2011 edition, a call for papers has been launched in every department of the Region (in Brive, and The Felletin Dorat), allowing everyone to send us a picture of one of his stagings and culinary arts (with local produce) as part of a slideshow projected throughout the show. And the result is once more beyond our expectations! Indeed, we have gathered more than a hundred items, with a pleasing diversity: from cutting (sanglant!) of meat carcasses, through producers posing (with humor) along with their herds or their trees, small dishes made with love and simplicity, the delirious nights where the flanges are transformed into superheroes, the Limousin has ceased to surprise us, and always with boundless generosity!

workshops all public Chewable ...
We are betting that the audience will leave pack by trying various techniques and varied. Depending on the selected workshop, we can cut and paste (photocopying, paper and paperboard packaging), assemble (kitchen utensils and other found objects), paint, draw, sculpt (food and natural elements or not ) ...
artistic references will nourish and enrich the themes productions. For this, illustrated books, passages and many images will be made available to participants. All participants will start by displaying their Mega Toque the colors of the Limousin or Apron Frairie Gros Ventre ... Unless they make for exceptional Sets to weave ... Anyway, it is again time to honor this art to share our knowledge how and mix with delicacy and humor, food and contemporary art. For us to enjoy hybrid preparations that will put on the alert eyes and taste buds, each of concocting the recipe of which he alone has the secret!

exhibitions and installations up to date ...
In the window of the vehicle, there ... After made its market, the Brigade MégaChefs will provide the necessary ingredients to compositions sometimes colorful. And always with the idea of tracks and playing with fireworks, some daily products will be mixed with other natural elements much less! Thus, the image of our farmers who carve the countryside, our guests try their hand, according to their inspiration, the art of training and staging, some with food flavors and textures will be intended to 'awaken memories.

Moments of performance to suspend more than one ...
order to surprise and engage the public, a whole range of ingredients and utensils will be available each day. Far from smooth and reheated some proposals, we will do the lion's share of humor and poetry by offering visitors the unique opportunity to experience the antics of our legendary Cuistot or flying to attend a Little Perpetual Feast on top of the Limousin . Strange paradox given the high attendance at places, the public can attend a conference confidential - At tailgates closed - to be held in the belly of the vehicle nomadic art Monday, February 21 afternoon.

A Brigade ready for the shot ...
Composed primarily of visual artists in the Limousin, the team is strengthened for this event by other artists and students from the School of Fine Arts from Ile-de-France and Auvergne, and also the ERBA Besançon Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts-partner of the event.

Our MégaChefs are: Nicolas Savoye, visual hacker mechanics of poetry (43) / / Emily Stern, a young artist and student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris (75) / / Welded Michel, artist and former student of the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris (75) / / Lætitia Mangeret, artist and former student of ENSA Limoges (87) / / Aurélie Verlhac, visual artist (87) / / Julien Cadoret young artist and former student of the ERBA Besancon, Regional School of Fine Arts (25 ) / / Sumeng Liu, a young artist and student in 4th year at the ERBA Besancon, Regional School of Fine Arts (25) / / with input Renaud Pelissier, modeler-driver-designer (87) and to Eloise Nedellec, graphic designer kitchen (58), both former students of ENSA Limoges / / Coranotto and Clorinda, visual artist and art director entremétologue Nomad former student of Art Schools Toulon, Strasbourg and Besançon (87).

When confidential Conference (or Symposium performative ) Monday 21 February, three teachers intervene at the ERBA Besancon, Regional School of Fine Arts: Valentine Verhaeghe (choreographer and performer), Michel Collet (performer) and Max Perroz (designer comics) and Lawrence Devèze (philosopher and director of the ERBA Besancon, Regional School of Fine Arts).

"This presentation entitled The bucolic , will focus on creation in the intermediate spaces, rural or urban, radical experiments, inclusive, contextual and will open the debate on art in action its issues, between the field and off-field, in the territory. " (Michel Collet)

The bottom of it where the art of combining the paradoxes ...
good & bad taste / / true & Pastiche / / public space private space & / / disclosed hidden & / / & bottom shape / / reserved & available / / amateur & professional / / large & small / / redundant, and essential / / useful and useless / / Beauty, ugliness / / Rebel & consensual / / intangible & tangible / / Consumer & commitment / / modest spectacular & / / & not too quite / / speculation & action / etc.

Artists who have nurtured our research ...

Giovanni Anselmo // Giuseppe Arcimboldo // Kader Attia // Aziz + Cucher // Matthew Barney // Joseph Beuys // Michel Blazy // Alain Bublex // Sophie Calle // Helen Chadwick // Michel Collet // Marinette et Henri Cueco // Michel De Broin // Wim Delvoye // Jimmie Durham // Robert Filliou // Massimo Guerrera // Gilbert & Georges // Michel Giroud // Félix Gonzales-Torres // Subodh Gupta // Fabrice Hyber // Joël Hubaut // Michel Journiac // Christine Lebel // Natacha Lesueur // Paul Mc Carthy // Raoul Marek // Georges Méliés // Vik Muniz // Julien Prévieux // Zeger Reyers // Jason Rhoades // Dorothée Selz // Daniel Spoerri / / Gilles Stassart / / Sterbak / / Jean Tinguely / / Ben Vautier / / Valentine Verhaeghe / / etc..
Filmmakers: Claude Chabrol / / Marco Ferreri / / Peter Greenaway / / Tsui Hark / / Agnes Varda / / etc..

How Often Do I Get Brazilian Wax

turquoise and charcoal

Cirrhosis Life Expectancy


Wall falls (storage solution No. 2) , 2004-2009
variable dimensions, chipboard, MDF, plywood, melamine, Topan, nails,
collection FRAC Poitou-Charentes

Group Exhibition
From 12/02/2011 to 29/05/2011

with Afif and Guillaume Janot, Joseph Beuys, Michel Blazy, Caesar, Trisha Donnelly, Frederick Fourcaud, Thierry Girard, Jim Isermann, Frederick Lormeau, Anita Molinero, Regina Möller Tania Mouraud, Vladimir Nikolic, Romain Pellas, Emilie Perotto, Roman Signer, Julia Watchel

Works from the collection of FRAC Poitou-Charentes in connection with the collection of the Museum Island of Oleron

Museum Island of Oleron
9 Place Gambetta
Saint-Pierre d'Oleron
May 1946 75 May 16

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who Much Is Average Electricity Bill In Calgary

the Battle of San Romano

Paolo Uccello env.1456

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Metal Core Wheels Front Or Back

Why deny the wonderful challenges of life.

Why deny the great challenges of life. On Canal

know, I saw and listened to the wonderful actor Paul Hebert, 86 years with a big career like that, a gentleman who has lived. He interacted
on his career, Mr. Hébert seeks to understand where the break in the culture and respect for our soul speaking, I searched unsuccessfully for an address to send information from my texts to give my version. Of course, I did not find his or her email address.
Paul Hebert has a roadmap busy. Art is a price attached to his name.
To learn more about him, see, wiki
In my research I came across another Paul Hebert, speaking of Moncton in New Brunswick and music artist and singer.

By clicking, I came across a show called Radio-Canada : Luke and Luke, which involved the second Mr. Paul Hebert. We do not know many people here in Quebec.
The program lasts 48 minutes divided into five parts, you can listen a little bit of each interview if you are short on time, Luke and Luke

I liked what I There I saw and heard. These are people who have a heart to fight to preserve their culture and soul while experiencing significant pressure for anglicized, it feels good in the course of conversation. Quebec by its mere presence helps tremendously to the survival of French in the country.
Quebec will disappear as deadly for them it will be for us. The other

Paul Hebert, musician and singer, has taken important decisions in order to sustain their culture by singing in French as his home, Zachary Richard has also made a similar choice, they are real people.

Canada has consistently used the strategy of divide and create discord between Francophones from different parts of Canada. It creates division and that makes us ignorant and in some cases it causes discord between us, as to believe that it must close the Montreal region, to abandon our lands some minorities and indulging in unreasonable accommodation. Open your eyes, you get scammed.

Our challenge at all, it is not for politicians. Our future is in our hands.

We must raise his head, no more navel gazing, stop postponing.

Our challenge is to fight against misinformation, to bring our communities, build bridges between francophone countries and elsewhere.
should strengthen our ties between our brothers and sisters of the great centers of the regions of Quebec, other provinces, America, Africa and elsewhere.

We already know, no one will do for us. Just little things: "Let's change our way of seeing life." Our happiness depends on us.
Let us follow the path of abandonment and addiction, we were chasing a chimera is Canadian!

recreate what we did in the sixties, something that looks like us, brings us together and speaks our language.

An economy that works to improve benefits for our culture and not others. An economy that will help relieve our tax bills. JJJ Charest is destroying it We have wealth, beginning with our culture, the Caisse de Depot, Hydro-Quebec, etc.. etc. ..

It takes a general awareness of all citizens of Quebec. It has everything to lose by remaining passive in the face JJJ Charest.

The unification of francophones in Quebec creates a force that francophones outside Quebec need for their own survival. Quebec is the lifeline of the Francophonie on the planet. We are part of diversity, we must take our place in the comity of nations.

It accuses France of having abandoned us, do not abandon our brothers and sisters scattered throughout America and elsewhere.

What a nice challenge, you will never regret it. If we recreate these links, we could demonstrate to Canada if he wants to make Quebec divisible, Canada will become too. It needs to demonstrate that what is unacceptable to him, is also for us. This is called creating power struggles.

Quebec needs motivators able to introduce a few true stories to help understanding.

Quebecers act ... look forward and quickly correct our mistakes of the past.

... Long live freedom. and thank you there.

Jean-Pierre Plourde,

Burts Bees Wax On Tattoo

intentions of Canada unveiled ...

A text by Jean-Pierre Plourde

intentions of Canada unveiled ...

See also my analysis of statistics at the end.

My research shows that land expropriation and racism of exclusion applied Canadian community in Quebec is in progress. The results are published on and

strategies Hydro-Quebec concerning administrative decisions deliberately financially disadvantageous to Quebec impoverish and undermine its recovery after the departure of JJJ Charest. The proposed purchase of NB Power was part of these strategies see NB Power , there are now many other texts that conclude in the same direction on the web.

1. The treaty says the common approach forces us to depart from our lands for the benefit of a minority of less than 1% of which the federation has a guardianship. After the signing of this treaty sly, we inherit the Guardianship and our federal territories become with all that we built above.

2. All the assets we have are currently diverted to foreign interests in Quebec is the case in any of the Caisse de depot, Hydro-Quebec, and others, see also my analysis of statistics as a result of this text.

3. Our governments have planned a program to purchase our business to know as our engineering firms to eliminate the culture in which they participate. Thousands of our best engineers have already changed their bosses for speaking English patrons. The culture of knowledge and will soon force in English only. Already, under JJJ Charest, more half of the largest engineering firms in Quebec were bought by foreigners. The new bosses will soon force the obligation to work with us in English, ref. Data Quebec newspaper

4. Like the "reasonable accommodation" against nature, mass immigration to English-speaking Montreal is intended to stun the French culture and reverse majorities in Montreal first and then regions. For regions
techniques dispersions populations have already begun, eg. closure of the logging and lack of compensation program, limiting subsidies to culture, light industry, etc.. see the text: AC Treaty
Contrary to what happened to the car or the state has intervened massively, the state and the federal JJJ Charest we derive the social safety net necessary for the survival of populations in the regions of Quebec. These areas are the lungs of Montreal. Montrealers are now losing hundreds of billions that their fathers and grandfathers have invested. Without massive public awakening the very future of our descendants who are on the table, the media are guilty of spreading propaganda Anti-regions against the interests of all Quebecers.

5. The media are controlled and filtered information. Thus, the very posh Radio-Canada no longer displays the defense of French as was its original charter, the music promotion and development of the Anglophone community is becoming more pronounced.

6. Education programs in our schools and universities are diverted to make us forget who we are and where we come from, we value the other culture so that we abandon our own, see UQAC .


a. With the approach Common Quebec as a province loses.

b. Due to the tutelage that has the federal Native Americans, a federal territory Quebec becomes segmented into multiple smaller territories controlled by minorities whose total is less than 1% of our population.

e. These minorities are not competent to manage our assets and receive guidance from their tutor, Ottawa.

f. By taking control of our territories, Ottawa appropriates our assets and gives a veto on all our laws, our land, education, foreign trade, economic, cultural and social ...., of course, our jobs are the first affected.

g. Having more land, or of power to oppose it, Quebec will be excluded from any discussion to the constitutional question. Quebec "territory" remains, but its inhabitants disappear.

pm Etc. ....

My texts show that the events we are currently experiencing are the logical continuation of the theft and misuse of the referendum lost by 1995.

There is no longer any doubt that Canada applies against Quebec techniques wars soft through the control of information. This strategy will soon lead "our country" much more muscular intimidation against our people. We already feel the wave coming from the rest of Canada.

survival of a people through its culture. This culture must be reflected in the pride of its people, language, schools, economy, family, control of its assets, its territories and many other things.

We have a duty to inform citizens of Quebec to the scam we are all subject.

In Quebec as in Egypt, the future of democracy in the wake of peoples.

The social structure that plans our leaders lead us inevitably to the loss and the brutalization of the people controlled by the media to maintain a centralized structure for the benefit of multinationals and a single culture.

When the earth will have only one culture, our civilization will lose the diversity necessary to maintain the essential balance to the sharing of enlightened decisions. We run towards disaster.

The concentration of power will lead to unfortunate consequences of decisions for the entire survival of our species and the planet.

Our action is not only for us it is essential, but also respect for the identity and diversity peoples and cultures.

See graphically how does a people or culture to assimilate and destroy another, Live free or die
These techniques are currently in effect in Quebec.

Thanks for being there,

Jean-Pierre Plourde,
PS see my statistical analysis that follows. ________________________

Statistical Analysis by Jean-Pierre Plourde.

Here's a personal analysis of the statistics by country of origin of visitors received between 1 and 12 February 2011 on the site

I focus on the number of "hits" and the number of megabytes read or collected.

This analysis is not perfect as some Canadians can enter via a foreign site, but I can infer some interesting arguments.

a. Americans collect four times more information (files) on this site that Canadians, although the number of contacts (hits) is similar between the two.

b. Despite the good words of Obama for Egypt, the Americans are working and involved up to their necks in what happens in Quebec. They participate with Canadian strategies leading to our dispossession and the plundering of our resources. For example, they have already bought more than half of our biggest engineering firms helped by the Charest government JJJ. The U.S. is also a place favored by JJJ Charest to waste our fund Caisse de depot et placement, the adventure known as commercial paper, among others.

c. China has a keen interest in what happens in Quebec. It is the third most visitors by the number of hits and the number of bytes "files".

d. I notice the absence of France for this period. This country produces 5-8 times less than the sites visits Russia for example.

e. Readers of the majority of countries that make visits to our sites seem closer than vultures of the stork.

The order of importance of reading or removal file by country site is thus as follows: USA, Canada, China, Russia, germany, Great Britain, etc..

We managed to interest the foreigners in our democracy when we have understood that our fight together is also theirs. The example of Egypt is typical for this purpose. Thank you for


Jean-Pierre Plourde.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Chapter Questions For Behind Rebel Lines


Here are some of the many delicious items received in recent days ... But Nomad is irrassasiable art and still very very hungry! You still have some time (until 16 February) to put your icing on the cake! So take advantage, for example, this weekend: Load the batteries in your camera, indoctrinate your guests (or your guests) and above, have fun!

1: Manufacturing las "gogas" or boots, winter 2010, by Pierre Caunette.
The photograph was sent to us by Jean-Marie Caunette, Pierre's father Caunette.

2: Philip Mantle - Photography © Philip Mantle
3-5: Muriel Villejoubert, the Association of Pays'Sage Flayat (Creuse)
These photographs were taken during the parties' cultural and gourmet "Bistros of Winter and Flavors of Fall, organized by the Association.

6: Ludovic Combe Association of Pays'Sage Flayat (Creuse)
Illustrations recipe booklet flavors Millevaches Published in partnership with the Regional Nature Park Millevaches.

7-10: From Ensergueix Michel, director of Blason Prestige.
11-16: Excerpts from the Series Producer of St. Leonard de Noblat by Chloe and Adelaide the daughters of the super-OTSI: 11: Jean-Louis Gouissem, Pastry Samurai / 12: Roland Van Rooij, Producer Sleeping (apples and derivatives) / 13: Annie and Robert Maury Discord in the Hive / 14: Clement Achard breeder soft skin (pork and beef) / 15: George Beauffeny, Restaurateur love / 16: Loïc Cadet breeder-trainer .
17: From wool or lamb ewe to lamb by Martine Suchaud Roman.
"The skeins of wool from the country to Felletin Terrade Spinning, and leg of lamb Limousin Livestock Couturier Hubert and Catherine Gioux, beans from the garden. "
18: Rabbit with prunes accompanied by boiled potatoes by Bernard Berthaux. One of the "delicious" prepared by his wife Marie-Rose, it is unclear.
19-23 : the bubbling group consisting of Laura Desages, Delphine Barry Karaquillo Yann and Julien Michel: 19: Cocktail / 20: Super Boudin / 21: Jewel Boudin / 22: Profile Monster's / 23: Dark Banana.
24: Corinne Bouissou, producer of saffron Séreilhac (Haute-Vienne).

25: Claude Jusiak.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Is The Batter On A Retaining Wall


Project Warm Heart Bois d'Aquitaine as a starting point an old part, carried for my diploma in 2004.
This sculpture, in a teepee, was the result of experience erection of a shape with a minimum of material. To bring good luck to work, I was part of a sketch of purified horseshoe was crowned this construction, then, by testing in the workshop, that is ultimately what horseshoe assembled the cleats, and gave This form of "twisted" in motion, the tepee.

In the context of the Forest of Contemporary Art, I imagine this sculpture updated as a kind of fetish, brings happiness to the devastated forest, as a symbol of the fragility of verticality of the forest, both face the clearcuts, only the storm.

Beginnings, a sculpture student at a human scale that plays on the balance, and after a few years transformed into a monumental sculpture made of _ and resistant materials outside taking into consideration the context of this forest and first position away from the viewer is _ an important step in my practice.

I wish to keep a little mystery around this project and did not unveil a number of essential elements, so that the viewers have the possibility of early experience sculpture.

Emilie Perotto,
February 2011

(photo A. Ayouche)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lime Green Mizuno Volleyball Shoes

traffic democracy scale.

Here is a video presented by a journalist on population control by multinationals.

It is in the process of creating two classes, the poor and the affluent.

What happens in Quebec is also happening elsewhere, many of my statements appear in this video and applied to the situation in Egypt and elsewhere.

is in English but subtitled in French.

population control .

Quebecers have every incentive to wake up and be aware that their future will depend on themselves and they will deal if you want to survive with dignity.

Thanks for being there!

Jean-Pierre Plourde,