My reasons, my country's future
Considering the expedition of Jacques Cartier in 1534 as the birth of a French nation in North America
Considering that Quebec (New France) is a land conquered by force of arms in 1760 and suffers the British military occupation until 1763, when France ceded Canada to the Britain
Considering that Quebec is annexed by force with the Act of Union in 1840 following the crackdown in the blood of rebellion Parliamentarians Patriots who were refused the government accountable
Recital Confederation in 1867 as a result of the Act of Union
Considering the refusal of the Quebec people to disappear despite the enormous political uncertainty persists since 1760
Considering that Quebec has never agreed to ratify the Constitution Pierre Elliot Troudeau, the country's fundamental law of Canada, since its imposition in 1982
Considering that in Canada, based on the "legitimacy" and their interpretation of this Constitution, the opinion of some judges of the Supreme Court trumps the democratic will of the National Assembly as in the If Jacques Chaoulli case or regression of language laws in Quebec
Considering essential for Quebecers to get rid of this power relationship between the Constitution and its judges appointed by the Prime Minister of Canada, and the intentions of the Quebec nation expressed in the National Assembly through its members elected
Considering the urgent need to dispose of outdated institutions such as the senate and the monarchy
Considering the negative fact that Quebec is not master in all areas and that many important decisions and high level strategic communications, transportation, defense, international relations, immigration and citizenship, he escapes and is taken over him by the Government of Canada
Considering that national independence will allow Quebec to be represented in all major international forums and signing himself arrangements that suit them without going through Canadian
Whereas if Quebecers had a foreign policy of their own, it would be, in several respects, different from that of Canada
Considering that local repatriation all the powers and taxation fields in Quebec City will open the door to greater coherence of action, loss of heaviness of the system and decentralization to the regions, all three impossible in a system where both levels of national governments have conflicting interests
This individual takes a stand for independence Quebec, my only true country
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