Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Skin Cancer On Knuckle

Surrealist Giacometti

The Suspended Ball, from 1930 to 1931
plaster and metal, 60.6 x 35.6 x 36.1 cm
al. Alberto and Annette Giacometti Foundation, Paris

The Palace at 4 am, 1932,
wood, wire, glass,
al. MOMA, New York

Sd/mmc Dell 1525 Driver


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Alexis Texas And Black Gay

glide When you're in the desert

Me I drag in the desert for more 28 days
And already some mirages tell me to turn around
The fairy snow follows me banging on his drum
Ghosts of union merchants
certainties have crept up my moon, blaming my attitude
C is not very popular taste for solitude.

When you're in the desert for too long
You t'demandes whom it serves all the rules a bit rigged
From the game we want to make you play

All raptors of power led by a sinister clown big

rush to me on the music of poor accordionist
I think they come to me with the joy of the artist's life
On the other hand, that Cain still whimsical
His eye is filled with sand and his mouth full of verdicts
It sits in a graveyard of old shovels.

When you're in the desert for too long
You t'demandes whom it serves all the rules a bit rigged
From the game we want to make you play

People say that all poets end arms traffickers

It is 50 million poets, that's what must be our charm
On a moon of Saturn, my parrot sounds alarm
Funny but everyone who cares
Friday falling anywhere, are solitary
Who Robinson said: "j'trouve over my island, you would not see the sea"
Will have to talk about J'lui thermonuclear.

When you're in the desert for too long
You t'demandes whom it serves all the rules a bit rigged
From the game we want to make you play

Yesterday a man came up to me to approach a little shuffling

J'lui When asked how you got into days, he said nearly 30
J 'm' remember he hoped to hold up to 40
J'lui When asked for his message, he told me calmly:
Politicians eventually all to make an asylum
I realized that I could soon regain the city.

When you're in the desert for too long
You t'demandes whom it serves all the rules a bit rigged
From the game we want to make you play


Jean-Patrick Capdevielle

Litex Fan Dip Switches

eye was in the tomb and looked Cain C3% FFN

Monday, January 24, 2011

Foundation Vent Insulation

nomadic art will be the next to the Salon International de l'Agriculture

(In Paris from February 19 to 27 coming) and you already moved to the hands-on!

Sebaceous Cyst On Dog

Three press conferences in the field and in the heart of the matter ...

After fired Wednesday, January 19 (in a bowl!) With the complicity of some thirty high school students in Dorat Haute-Vienne and their teacher Sophie Dumont, mounted an operation snails Friday 21 Marketplace Felletin in the Creuse with Paul Clement, producer of snails and organized a parade Toq Models Live Marketplace Brive Correze, visual art nomad thank all those who have the curious hands dirty, and journalists through which a call for participation to the people of Limousin was launched (for a forthcoming exhibition at Salon International de l'Agriculture in Paris) .

Sadler Oxford Vocabulary Answers

Ask the nomadic art program

and follow all our trips earlier this year with the Contemporary Art Guide Limousin # 24!

Can Lymphoma Be Misdiagnosed


After changing the logo, please take a look at new texts you find on the site soon (currently being rebuilt). Feel free to send us your feedback!

nomadic art is what?
Or how to cover their tracks, it can be in turn considered a big toolbox, a regenerator of social bonds, a type of communications agency, an inveterate cocksucking Grant, a kind of para-educational structure or even as a propaganda organ! Anyway, for the people of his tribe, nomadic art is simply a bias, an attitude, a way to exist. More precisely, it is an association of artists founded in 1999 to Arnac la Poste whose primary mission is the dissemination of contemporary art through workshops art practices and exhibitions on-board a vehicle a bit peculiar. Indeed, in 2005, given the characteristics of the territory - rural and high burst initiatives over a wide geographical range - the Association has invented a tool of expression and transmission-made: the Vehicle Art Nomad. Designed as a scene that opens to the public, this funny zebra "peddler of contemporary art" crosses wide roads and narrow paths, carrying on board of the works of artists and students, the specific documentation and any material tools required for the practice of visual arts. Adopted by large and small, to take a break on the village square, he struts around in a Paris salon or that unfolds to the sound of a festival, he still holds the road with the desires that it raises in order to build with his public "Happy bazaars of the impossible" at the heart of public space or private.

nomadic art c is for whom?
Or how to talk to everyone, he is small in size or greater in age, amateur or outstanding scholar, pure refractory or inveterate defendant, a farmer from us or to the prosecution lawyer, passing by chance at a festival or a bit stuck in its structure, either alone or in groups, to town or country, whether free or is forced, whether in standard or completely different, he walks the asphalt or that has in his hands, whether "for" or is "cons" ... There is almost always a meeting ground, a privileged moment during which the flip occurs for the magic ...
So whether you're a father or mother, school teacher or teacher of an agricultural college, a festival organizer or curator, tutor or educator, entrepreneur and artistic director, voluntary association or a theater director, artist or not artist, in sneakers or tie, or simply if you are a illustrates unknown who just want to meet us, you are very close or very-very-far-all-there ... nomadic art seriously consider all your proposals, case by case basis.

nomadic art what is it?
Or how to help produce a click, to open up to other fields of research, to tempt, to circulate ideas, techniques and know-how, works to meet at the dissect and absorb them, to be built with or without, to position themselves, to give the spotlight to intuition, to banish recipes, learn how to dose and allow himself, to experience the ultra-private or share them with passing on values and also realize that from every little things can sometimes construct great things ...
addition to its artistic dimension, nomad art extends to other areas for educational, educational, social and / or environmental. This association offers interactive areas in which to live "viewers" become "players". So everyone can just as well invest the smallest exhibition space and research Territory (in the belly of the vehicle nomadic art) and the largest (around the vehicle). Considering art as a social bond, the association generates constantly encounters between different generations and backgrounds sociological. Taking into account the most environmental data, the device focuses on eco citizen action, and provides materials and tools needed to conduct workshops. This allows everyone to discover otherwise while dreading - his way - the field of contemporary art.

and Events performance

Or how invite themselves in a particular room, push the furniture to install the projection equipment needed to enjoy - a glass in hand - a video work from the Collection FRAC Limousin ( cf. Small vigils home video ) deploy its stand between a nursery and a seller of underwear at a trade show (see the fair from May 1st Great Chézeaux); invest the heart of a small rural district with the help of inhabitants from a specific topic (see Days of the Perfect Little nomad ). At these events of our own, plus other activities sponsored by other organizations. So we had the pleasure of building temporary installations on the steps of a cathedral by reason of our workshops at its Festival Nuits de Nacre in Tulle or transformed through a string of ultra-light parts of the corridors of the Theatre Cloister - domestically - in Bellac, and soon represented the Limousin region by promoting the local heritage and culinary imagination of its inhabitants in the Salon International de l'Agriculture Paris.
short, of different sizes, these shares remain close to human scale and lead us to consider communication as an act of creation. To do this, our team consists of artists, designers, graphic artists and an art director - Clorinda Coranotto, visual entremétologue. It appealed to other professionals and / or students of art schools depending on the project to be implemented. Thus, the team - to varying sizes - suits based on individual applications and special meetings which causes are most often associated with the Hosts of these places. We envision this event-as moments of collective performance that can occur both day and night, inside or outside, in the countryside or the city, now or later ...

Shares training
Or how to give the free choice of movement on these spaces subtle to be the place or upside down, build ideas, overcast his intentions, to design his reasons Do not lose the thread, cut short any stereotype, hemming with all his might, to commute between different port, play and disrupt the fiber, for daring to embroider the beauty of movement, mend its deficiencies by new combinations, absorb impressions to review, negotiate the ferocious laces, say his approach, to show run-proof and be prepared to disassemble everything to rebuild ... otherwise
At the request of certain public or private structures that we build our trainings. Having agreed an action plan with them, these moments of practice enable people to gain confidence and explore techniques and approaches unusual. It is - every adventure - to help each person to invent his own tools and to find possible extensions. These actions are aimed at both professionals (teachers, educators, youth workers, leaders of cultural institutions ...) as the general public. They may be held at the headquarters of the association or the place of your choice. Have already been addressed certain issues such as: mail art, books of travel, "Malise" transmission and other tools, textile company, the farm as a place for artistic experimentation, the question of the development of a place of hospitality and leisure ...

dissemination tools and expression
Or how to turn the vehicle in nomadic art exhibition spaces different from each other, and become a place mobile homes of artists. For the record, there have been many exhibitions including: the famous cabinet of curiosities Limousines (cash more than 400 items weighing less than 1kg sent by inhabitants of the Limousin), a real cartonothèque, a selection of art tools Nomad. Some were also able to observe - a lamp in his hand - a unique collection of butterflies misfire nomadic art, while others will be lucky enough taking place in the belly of the vehicle equipped with video projection room ... or to attend a conference confidential - at tailgates closed. Just as, for 9 days, will take place in front of thousands of visitors, a small Festin Perpetual on top of the Limousin ... Finally, one might add that this Outstanding vehicle does not hesitate to surprise by hiding his beautiful striping for certain occasions ...
Recalling the principle of Russian dolls almost, the tools of expression and transmission - generated by each other - are a diverse : small roll of anti-hole-of-memory-books to Objects ballad, to normalize our sacred (box + case), there are also large Baguenaude and very friendly wall accordion, not to mention the amazing family BoitaMiam , BoitaBeurk and BoitaSigne ... the team may also decide to create schedules of circumstances - which was the case for Caravan'agratter and Caravan'apeindre . Anyway everything is handled, flexible and remains the most accessible.
Finally, to record and circulate all the work we are doing for over 10 years, an edition of postcards and books (co) are taking shape ... with the wish to take other forms so that the transmission operates, again and again ...

Funbrain Chrismas Light

Friday, January 21, 2011

When Human Organs Are For Sale

4 months and 8 days.
7.950 kilos.
65 centimeters.
44 centimeters.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Solve For Rate Of Return


Group Exhibition From 12/02/2011 to 29/05/2011

with Saadane Afif and Guillaume Janot, Joseph Beuys, Michel Blazy, Caesar, Trisha Donnelly, Frederick Fourcaud, Thierry Girard, Jim Isermann, Frederick Lormeau, Anita Molinero, Regina Möller, Tania Mouraud, Vladimir Nikolic, Romain Pellas, Emilie Perotto, Roman Signer, Julia Watchel

Works from the collection of FRAC Poitou-Charentes in connection with the collection of the Museum Island of Oleron

Opening Friday, February 11 at 18h

Museum Island of Oleron
9 Place Gambetta
Saint-Pierre d'Oleron
05 46 75 05 16

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where Abroad Can I Buy Quinine

JJJCharest applies the Durham Report in our place ... Comment

Charest applies the Durham Report in our place, it must be countered by all means.


"The Durham Report is published in London in February 1839. Durham recommended that Upper Canada and Lower Canada be united in one province may well become, eventually, predominantly English and more quickly. It recommends accelerating the British immigration to Canada in order to marginalize the French-Canadian population, forcing it to choose the path of linguistic and cultural assimilation. "

Although immigration will no longer be exclusively British, but come from all corners of the empire.

"Finally, he suggested the removal of freedoms granted to French Canadians by the Quebec Act and the Constitutional Act to eliminate the possibility of future rebellions. "

Charest we withdraw our territories in the common approach, it encourages us to assimilation by reasonable accommodations. By the withdrawal of territory, Québec became a federal territory under provincial and manage virtual side of Ontario.

The strategy of mass immigration in Montreal and the attitude of the immigrants to our culture is symptomatic and certainly planned to intimidate. I think we ask a certain number of immigrants to do so.

strategies of state politics, economic, cultural and industrial JJJCharest favor businesses with the Federalist thinking is systematic.

Family liberal even his facebook site with the maple leaf prominently, see PLC is talking about this family JJJCharest. See then linking the two following videos and actors star in this scenario: Liberals after the first video, you can climb the second that will appear on the screen.

Several stars unknown to the general public but more consequential for our future are omitted in these videos, this is Mr. Daniel Gagnier, a former personal secretary to Jean Charest key member of Option Canada, head of Alcan and delegate to London to intercede with the Crown on the evening of the 1995 referendum in case the YES would have passed, Yves Fortier, Chairman of Alcan, a leading member of group Option Canada in 1995, appointed by JJJ Charest, Quebec's negotiator on behalf of our territories to transfer a minority of less than 1%, and many other characters too, all occupants and federal leadership positions of our companies state.

By seizing our political power through deception, the Canadian unification policy is put forward.

Charest's election was not a democratic election in the interests of the people.
It is the victim of a maneuver to deflect the interest of culture and people of Quebec to the benefit and interests of another people with another culture, that of Canada.
The obvious purpose is to divert the assets, destroying the capital and seize the territories of the former to make them work for the benefit of the latter, thus impoverishing the people to make it dependent of Canada and unable to recover from a so great scam, helped by a guardian without objection he has obtained from the people themselves, considering themselves as his representative.
The people are deliberately misinformed the severity of the action taken against its international rights to dispose of himself and that Canada has approved its signature to the UN.

The Charest government is illegitimate. Refer to Figure

# 1 at this address, Live free or die
Reading the text, you see that for a people's government is democratic, the government must be elected to manage the territory and U.S. taxpayers in the interests of his constituents, "it is not the case of the Charest government. This view should be strictly forbidden under international now.

In light of the extremely partisan appointments to the government, hidden intentions behind these appointments and the actions of these people, the silence on the repeated requests of citizens for a commission of inquiry into the construction etc. I concluded that it is relevant to talk about JJJCharest as the godfather of liberal family of Canada, Quebec, advice to Mr. Deltell.

measures taken against our interests must necessarily be canceled and denounced by international courts.

Here we are dealing with a devious coup of Canada, made without the use of armed in the first place. This last element, the army, will follow the departure of the Charest government following the violence of our response, so you need an informed people able to cope with and support our leaders in the decisions to regain control of our culture (the worst enemy of Canada) and our economy. This implies that we will soon have to impose respect for the French language in Quebec, we will come back ...

Ms. Marois should be informed of our history, it must make choices in the interests of the people. Any decision gonna in the interests of people should lead a social movement.

citizens should be informed of the machinations that affect them, see, Common Approach vs. Montreal .
This paper demonstrates clearly how Montrealers are picking the pockets of hundreds of billions of dollars without their knowledge, services to citizens will suffer.

Ideally sack JJJ Charest and his henchmen tomorrow morning. Massively has the means we, the people of Tunisia has just done and the Russians are doing between 1980 and 1990. If you do not want to be forgotten by the history of mankind .... Wake up.

Many documents show grooming planned:
1. The Gomery Commission, its mandate was deliberately limited to fraud private ... Those of Canada remained muted;
2. Taylor-Bouchard Commission or, obviously, the commissioners were chosen by JJJCharest according to the result he wanted this commission;
3. Radio-Canada, issue titled: "Should they close their regions," a manipulation of public opinion Service and planned the creation of discord between Montreal and its regions to seize the assets of all citizens no matter where they live in our territories.
4. And many others like: The traffic of textbooks, courses in history, media censorship, the massive invasion of English in our media.

... The most important of these acts of manipulation on the treaty known as the common approach. In this document we are made to accept being ripped off of our territories for a minority of less than 1%, even more, is granted guardianship to the Canadian government allowing to regard ourselves as being irresponsible.
We have here an important cause defensible before an international court.

The sidedness of the act of transfer is very consistent in our territories, see the excerpts on the importance of the territories, to:

If we do not wake up, Canada will have a veto over all our laws, our property and our ability to create jobs for ourselves.
Our culture and our artists will be attacked in front (essential graphs of democracy expressed in , Figure 1. Then in Figure 2, you will see how our interests conflict with those of Canada.

Decide together to oppose rather than swallow, it will have at least one last chance to break our chains. Canada is at the stage of the padlock on our aspirations.

Adopt an active behavior, we have a chance to change our destiny and get the sympathy of the authorities and international aid to survive.
The world must know our situation and he must tell her.
The liberation of Russia did not happen without the people, nor that of Tunisia, I do not think it's different to ours.

The magnitude of the attacks that we suffered require the union of all our forces and above all, understanding and assimilation issues by concerned citizens.

If you want a different result from what we have always had in the pass, then we must change our strategy and address the source of our problems in knowledge of causes.

Marois herself is little that I inform you here, having already expressed his sympathy for the common approach. Must inform the challenges it will face.
This time, the people will deal with policy instead of delegating.

Our challenges are enormous but the victory, if it succeeded, would be the seventh heaven for our children and the survival of la Francophonie in Canada and worldwide. A dynamic and innovative new country takes shape.

For the first time since the conquest, can no longer be forcibly recruit our children to serve as cannon fodder.

The people must get involved, we cheat our representatives.

The Charest government is a strategy and a logical continuation of the 1995 referendum planned by the federation. This strategy
allows Canada to go to war without the people realize that this is it. There is nothing democratic about the election of the Charest government.
was dealing with a systematic looting of assets and assets of Quebecers by psychological conditioning. The result will be similar to the destruction and looting of farms and houses after the battle of the Plains.

Canada is to destroy our assets to deprive us of any defense against the invasion that suffers.

This text is complementary to the one I sent you recently.

Jean-Pierre Plourde,

PS I get my last text, slightly modified, on another site, signing left no doubt about the intention of the blogger, references does is not adequate. No author's site, for-the-country-du-Québec, or is involved. Let us be alert us to denounce such behavior.

Postage Dates From Australia To England

dead body among the bits of wood.


You suffer you suffer much, you do not know how much time has elapsed since the pain brought you down there in the middle of the garden, you can not noticing it, you're in another time dimension, in the usual time you're lying men between the sticks for several minutes, in time you're dying there since your birth, since you came out bloody naked and trembling of the womb, viewed from above by far you look like a baby abandoned in the middle of vegetables between the cabbages and leeks, you wonder which laid thee there, (...)

Death of a gardener, Lucien Suel , 2008, editions of Camelot

(...) you do more spade your garden is another man who also is working to dig the earth for you, this land where you lie down one last time between other pieces of wood.

Death of a gardener, Lucien Suel , 2008, editions of The Round Table

(...) your cat climbing the barrier smoothly, jump in the driveway and near your body lying between the logs, rabbits scoot, (...)

Death of a gardener, Lucien Suel , 2008 , Editions de La Table Ronde

New Client Information Sheet For Salon


you rise on tiptoe to lift the latch, the door opens in silence, you enter the room; crystal chandeliers and candles descend from the ceiling between the pillars of white stone, the ground is paved with square beveled mirrors from time to time the mirror is replaced by a black tile surface blind joints cemented between each mirror in a grid similar to those crossword puzzles on your left you notice an aquarium filled with chalk schoolboy of all colors, you choose a long chalk red, you bow, you draw for t'accroupis an x on a square, chalk squeaks, the red x is reflected on your face between your feet, you get up and advances toward the opposite wall avoiding walk on the dark squares, you feel weird walk on the ceiling of the room, suddenly you're bumping into a reflection of a chandelier, candles flicker and crystal rattle, you drop the chalk, which breaks into several pieces, do you decline to enter the tunnel

Death of a gardener, Lucien Suel , 2008, editions of The Round Table

Jamie's American Road Trip Stream



Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Do I Know When My Period Is Over?

positive result

Here is an excerpt from a commentary by Jean-René Marcel Sauve, a great Quebecer about my previous article. __________________________

Mr. Plourde

I believe you. This happens to us is terrible. Quebec is increasingly subservient, reduced to the status or rather the non-colonial status. Raymond Barbeau had denounced him but he had no control over communications. then terminated had no effect.

We must at all costs any information from our world is communicating now. That we can communicate by computer and internet, it is a sign of the times. The greedy and greedy and shamelessly steal from us are very familiar so we must start with a major awareness that could lead to a civil war that we must avoid while driving our own war against mortally dangerous as an opponent kills the soul as the body.

Neither Inuit or other Aboriginal people have no claim on the territory that WE HAVE INVESTED IN 400 YEARS OF HARD WORK. Arms to us: ignorance, désiniformation, intimidation and the threat of armed intervention. We can not escape that by arming the people again that this company is like a field of bear traps.

The bottom line: we still hold the geographical space as inhabited world, which makes us a strategic base to take the field. Above all else, we must Ottawa stripped of all his powers and his entire tax system. Our enemies will lose their means and we can put in a strong position and we eventually impose.

To succeed, we need the cooperation, moreover, people from other provinces and U.S. states that are fighting for the same thing ....

There is work to do.



And here is my answer:

Sauvé, I told you in high esteem.

If I may, I will add it to your next sentence;

"... we must begin with a awareness that could lead to major civil war that we must avoid while driving our own war against an opponent as deadly dangerous kills the soul as the body. "


Not necessarily civil war, but we will do it if our neighbor does not understand and keeps us by his interference and his shenanigans.

must be convinced everyone of us and felt and reflected to our seriousness.

This is not the business of one or a few male (s) and wife (s), but an entire people, endangered and cultural death imminent in the worst humiliations.

This is not true that we will accept a return to the feudal lords and serfs, let this be.

It is time to put on the table the famous statement by Robert Bourassa after the failure of Meech.

We must ensure that the declaration of Bourassa seconded by Pariseau become a reality, and that, it depends on us now:

From the following site:

"June 22, 1990: On the eve of the deadline for signing the agreement, the Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa, said Room: "English Canada must understand very clearly that, whatever they say and what we do, Quebec is now and forever, a distinct society, free and capable of assuming its destiny and development. "leader of the Parti Quebecois and the opposition, Jacques Parizeau called Bourassa in his own words" my prime minister "(never heard) and it still says" I offer my hand. " It then crosses the aisle to come and congratulate Bourassa (unheard of) applause long, fed and warm sides of the room. "The treaty

cons nature called Approach common, coupled with reasonable accommodations and mass immigration speaking, if we let this happen, will be the second mass deportation of the country after the Acadians, it is nothing but an act of war. 7 million citizens robbed, enslaved and acculturated. It will be as effective as the boats.

The lack of transparency of our federal hiding place of the pitfalls that we are mortals.

The Charest government has had the advantage of bringing us on a platter with all necessary evidence and amply sufficient to wake a whole nation at risk.

We all did the full documentation relevant and persuasive, thank you and goodnight Mr. Charest.

We need to set the logical sequence of events to be able to make the right choice.

Canada has acted, it's our turn to say and do what we decided to do for our common good freely according to the joint declaration endorsed by Bourassa and Parizeau.

threats should have taken over our minds.

By working together we will manage to convince Quebecers. It is a matter of intelligence. There is no more stupid than English, provided they tell the truth and to demonstrate and share same verifiable information.

From now on it should be the easiest part, so our arguments are major. We will roll back this country, believe me, we can.

What is at stake in Quebec, not only for us they will, but also to enable our planet to maintain its diversity and peace.
The diversity of cultures can cause or prevent wars between the mighty.
peoples moderate as is Quebec, must retain their influence.
Quebec is not the side of the provocative statements radicals. We have a duty to preserve our right to speak in the world to avoid ending in a holocaust that vitreous could help avoid. The future is now.

We need to inform the people, the rest follows logically.

Thanks for being there.

Jean-Pierre Plourde

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pedicure Got Infection

strategies leading to the enslavement of Quebec

Here is a partial result of the strategies leading to the enslavement of Quebec.

1. Quebec 1994 The rules made for the conduct of an upcoming referendum, a law defines expenses to be met in order for the Yes and No.

2. 1995 referendum on sovereignty. The feds, in addition to respect nothing of our humanity, receives help from an independent group called Option Canada, which involved several come from the Alcan group.
Without having the exact figure, taking into account fees for the precious time of these characters "volunteers" millions have been incurred. Charest is trying to repay them billions, our billions.

3. Thanks to these interventions outside the system and the collusion with Canada Christian, the referendum was defeated narrowly.

4. Canada in a must to at least one president of Alcan, Yves Fortier, and several other members of management as well as other similar organizations underground. These are acts of war-time against another country that ignores the fact that his war to prevent itself from its domination, as it did for blacks in the U.S. and South for blacks of South Africa. A genocide is underway.

Many of these people have occupied or still occupy a position of control in the management of our Crown corporations. Is it the smart way for people to manage their bank account?

5. In all expenses incurred staggering, Quebecers were scraped, it has refrained from opposing massively the referendum result was rather opt for a so-called justice called Gomery commission, which quite a good job, but within the framework defined by the friends of power, only the misuse of funds by the private sector will be taken into account, without fault of Ottawa who was the financial backer and the objectives we are all known. Again, we refrain from lifting. That the international community will think of this forbearance?
We do not protect our majority citizens and love between those of larger centers and the regions resources.

5. After the referendum, a federalist parachuted from Ottawa to Quebec JJCharest, whose goal is now upheld, is to be elected at the first opportunity. As it is not a lie ready, we will promise to the citizens 1 billion of tax cuts per year for five years and we will then be asked to have both hands on the wheel. Nobody in the mainstream media have explained the drawbacks, citizens must find answers elsewhere.

6. Charest was elected, the people had no idea what this announcement. OR perhaps agrees on?
issues that refuses to ask, international bodies will be asked.

7. All key positions in the Quebec economy are occupied by the Federals. The mandate is to empty the accounts, and transfer the territories and assets constructed by the population, such as Hydro, the Caisse de depot, SAQ, and name the others, under the tutelage of Ottawa. With each passing day, it is increasingly evident.

8. In 2004, Charest used the door open inadvertently by Bernard Landry in the agreement called "The peace of the brave" to the right add-ons management on Indian reservations, made "peace of the brave" to all territories Quebec, Mr. Landry is not personally involved in these negotiations although his image is exploited in the document, in my opinion, against his will.

9. As I said in item 4, Canada owes the Alcan group. The first return
elevator is as follows:
Charest chose Mr. Yves Fortier, Alcan, the same as in Option Canada, a famous lawyer and president of Alcan, to negotiate on our behalf another treaty called "common approach", see my text, conflicts of interest, I published on pages of our newspapers (the only place in Quebec where I was tolerated). The main leader

Amerindians been selected by the federation.
The details of the treaty negotiations are kept secret. This treaty is negotiated between federal seated on either side of the table. Louis Bernard is handcuffed inside a rigid frame, called AIP, pre-set which can not derogate.
A referendum can be held in this small group of Indians to become the model controls applicable to all other communities in the future. We offer a minority of less than 1% to accept the responsibility for development of our territories and our assets.
Canada wants this Quebec strategy fragmenting into hundreds of areas that we would fight tooth and nail in the event of another referendum at the same time, our media is systematically destroying the rest of Canada to have Canadian public opinion massively against us massively attacking "our racism." It has already cost the Labrador ignorance of reality.

How will Canada does it take for us to swallow?

9. At about 2005 or 2006, Charest is primarily a provincial radio advertising, in midsummer, when everyone is on vacation. This advertisement for the transfer by the Quebec government land rights to the Indians. The term "land rights" goes better than the "territories".
Land rights also affect the organization of tax collection in the province and municipalities from all citizens on land developed by Quebecers. The citizens of Quebec or Montreal, is on vacation, only see the fire and they do not realize the implications on the future of our towns and villages. Saguenay
Today, companies who want government contracts must include a Native American on their board of directors.
The system of tax collection current remains transparent to all citizens, surprise, because there will be a great, will come later.

For the rest of the territories into regions, the Treaty of the common approach will eventually swallow everything, because it is unilateral and non-negotiable after that, which I see on from these extracts.

"... Québec further agrees to waive rights on Crown lands or, if necessary, to transfer these rights to the Innu ..."

"... The treaty will be permanent and can not be amended or terminated unilaterally by either party ..."

does the international community these statements .... I repeat them often because I want them to be known, is an aberration. Why a nation of 7 million human beings they accept such humiliation and counting?

1. The regions provide Montreal headquarters and manufacturing jobs.
2. Montrealers have such people in the regions, billions in plants, mines, water, forests, and others, that's what state radio calls to Montrealers to give up everything without explaining anything stupid, see, , Should we close areas, even here, people let go ...

In Quebec Native Federal Trust, all that life teems or frog in the territories became Native becomes Deputy veto and federal management through the transfer of our rights to minority racial called Indian.
is a puzzle needs to go first by citizens, well before the United Nations. If we do not develop a taste for living together and French .....!

So we will have a mass popular movement to overthrow the strategy.
To prevent against our clock, the federation has developed at least three programs: a.
Reasonable accommodations (you assimilate)
b. Media control, Desmarais Canadian Press, CBC, schools ...
c. Immigration unilateral English.

A French-speaking Quebec who loses his majority loses its bargaining power.
For the remaining developing countries and territories, as are those regions, the treaty said the joint approach will be addressed.

Under the Levesque government, the Crown lands have become public lands of Quebec.
Now under Charest, public lands are again, Crown Land, through a ruse known as: Constitution of 1982, and amended unilaterally repatriated by the federation.
It sends a mixed message to the world.

We accumulate all these small defects react. The Canada we withdraw our bargaining power one after the other with our ignorance.
The most serious is discord fueled by our own state radio to divide them citizens of the great centers against those regions under false pretenses. It seems here that the mental fraud and deception are quite obvious, yet he will I am not the only one to be aware and to denounce it.

On the theme of the dangers of citizens oppose them, there few years, I wrote a long opinion piece in the drive Cyberpresse's Daily, it was modified and published by the newspaper. He was then retained in the archives of cyberpresse where it costs $ 4.00 to read it. One of my correspondents was discovered by chance.

10. The second elevator back to the representative of Alcan is as follows: In 2007
and quite exceptionally, Canada approved the sale to Australian Rio TIinto called a flagship Canadian ALCAN.
I remind you that Canada has refused the sale of Potash of Saskatchewan to the other giant Australian Beliton, see Wilipedia to see the extent of these multinationals.
Negotiating the sale of Alcan implies again Yves Fortier and, of course, the Australian representatives of Rio Tinto.
A sale of 38 billion is reached.
For the common approach, negotiated by the same gentleman, the new company obtained rights to use our territories without being concerned about jobs or free care to the population except for the form, with Canada soon guardianship of Quebecers are unaware of what is happening behind their backs.
losses of unionized jobs are increasing now and should be monitored to lower charges, the right look and balance of power our communities on these same territories.

What I described here is only the tip of an iceberg we will discover very soon.

What Canada is doing is to cut us off from all assistance, it is therefore essential to deal with it, stop throwing out ballast continuously, we must give ourselves a chance one day to get results .

You must understand that all our power relationships disappear one after another just because we let it. Only in Quebec that such a thing could happen and our education system is there for something .... I have documents on that.

Hoping that you have read the text positively.

In a family, if you say no to your son and / or your daughter and you let them do in their head anyway, it's not you who lead the house, but your children.

Between Canada and Quebec is similar, so we lent our neighbor that he considers his own everything that belongs to us. Canada unilaterally imposed on us what was not accepted, and allowed to do in the common approach, ..... It will not, not at all. We must deal with.

What should we tell his neighbor when the surprises to put dynamite all around our house? Should we close our eyes and pretend you did not see it!
Canada is about to connect the dynamo's son together and sticks! The dice are loaded. I have to convince you and there are only a short time, never in our history has it been so important to take massive and firmly in hand.

When the handle of the magneto drop, let him be eaten more than we have squandered a majority, over charge of Hydro, a CDG dismantled, SAQ .... It remains to assume that services will afford to pay, or take more territory and charges head office in Montreal, etc.. etc..

We all free to face or ignore. There will be many more success in the first choice. That's what Canada is doing while they feigned ignorance.

Sovereignty is above all an attitude, that of a winner, not that of a people who swallow every dirty trick that he did.

The point of no return is very soon.

was any advantage to work together in a strategy of confrontation.

In my writing I am not attacking the person but to ideas. I have never treated someone bad words, if I had offended every time someone does not agree with me ....

We must successfully pass over it.

I took the time to express to you this comment just because it's important.

We all need you Mr. Rheaume, Sauvé, Mr. Landry, Mr. Pomerleau, M. Archambault, M. Bertrand, and all others.

We can not ignore long-tsunami is coming. We will all lose.

Thank you sincerely for being here.

Jean-Pierre Plourde.

Sayings In Christening Cake

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Preperation H For Thinner Waist

The war staring us in the nose ... Jean-François Lisée

I invite you to read this article from the February 2011 issue of the Journal News and you will find at this address:

# comments Here is a sample:
"Within 24 months, perhaps even in the summer, here's what might happen. A hundred Israeli military aircraft will take off to go and bomb Iran."
Note that the excuse would be to develop a nuclear bomb by Iran. John Francis Lisée.

Mr. Lisée subsequently shifted the time for five years in another article of which the address is: de-cinq-ans-ouf/7032 /

Here's an excerpt:

"My colleagues at The Economist will probably also reassured me that by reading the comments of former director of Mossad, reported Friday in the Israeli daily Haaretz, that Iran will obtain its nuclear capability, not this year or next year as judged recent evaluations, but only in 2015. " John Francis Lisée

Which of the two posts are correct? Let us wait and see ...?

If we needed another reason to leave this country of idiots, that is quite another, we will avoid to see our son become cannon fodder to defend "democracy" of others.

Freedom is the right to decide for yourself, when will we take.

The answer is in our hands.

If you have difficulty in responding to one or the other article, let me know.

Jean-Pierre Plourde,