JJJCharest applies the Durham Report in our place ... Comment
Charest applies the Durham Report in our place, it must be countered by all means.
"The Durham Report is published in London in February 1839. Durham recommended that Upper Canada and Lower Canada be united in one province may well become, eventually, predominantly English and more quickly. It recommends accelerating the British immigration to Canada in order to marginalize the French-Canadian population, forcing it to choose the path of linguistic and cultural assimilation. "
Although immigration will no longer be exclusively British, but come from all corners of the empire.
"Finally, he suggested the removal of freedoms granted to French Canadians by the Quebec Act and the Constitutional Act to eliminate the possibility of future rebellions. "
Charest we withdraw our territories in the common approach, it encourages us to assimilation by reasonable accommodations. By the withdrawal of territory, Québec became a federal territory under provincial and manage virtual side of Ontario.
The strategy of mass immigration in Montreal and the attitude of the immigrants to our culture is symptomatic and certainly planned to intimidate. I think we ask a certain number of immigrants to do so.
strategies of state politics, economic, cultural and industrial JJJCharest favor businesses with the Federalist thinking is systematic.
Family liberal even his facebook site with the maple leaf prominently, see PLC is talking about this family JJJCharest. See then linking the two following videos and actors star in this scenario: Liberals after the first video, you can climb the second that will appear on the screen.
Several stars unknown to the general public but more consequential for our future are omitted in these videos, this is Mr. Daniel Gagnier, a former personal secretary to Jean Charest key member of Option Canada, head of Alcan and delegate to London to intercede with the Crown on the evening of the 1995 referendum in case the YES would have passed, Yves Fortier, Chairman of Alcan, a leading member of group Option Canada in 1995, appointed by JJJ Charest, Quebec's negotiator on behalf of our territories to transfer a minority of less than 1%, and many other characters too, all occupants and federal leadership positions of our companies state.
By seizing our political power through deception, the Canadian unification policy is put forward.
Charest's election was not a democratic election in the interests of the people.
It is the victim of a maneuver to deflect the interest of culture and people of Quebec to the benefit and interests of another people with another culture, that of Canada.
The obvious purpose is to divert the assets, destroying the capital and seize the territories of the former to make them work for the benefit of the latter, thus impoverishing the people to make it dependent of Canada and unable to recover from a so great scam, helped by a guardian without objection he has obtained from the people themselves, considering themselves as his representative.
The people are deliberately misinformed the severity of the action taken against its international rights to dispose of himself and that Canada has approved its signature to the UN.
The Charest government is illegitimate. Refer to Figure
# 1 at this address, Live free or die
Reading the text, you see that for a people's government is democratic, the government must be elected to manage the territory and U.S. taxpayers in the interests of his constituents, "it is not the case of the Charest government. This view should be strictly forbidden under international now.
In light of the extremely partisan appointments to the government, hidden intentions behind these appointments and the actions of these people, the silence on the repeated requests of citizens for a commission of inquiry into the construction etc. I concluded that it is relevant to talk about JJJCharest as the godfather of liberal family of Canada, Quebec, advice to Mr. Deltell.
measures taken against our interests must necessarily be canceled and denounced by international courts.
Here we are dealing with a devious coup of Canada, made without the use of armed in the first place. This last element, the army, will follow the departure of the Charest government following the violence of our response, so you need an informed people able to cope with and support our leaders in the decisions to regain control of our culture (the worst enemy of Canada) and our economy. This implies that we will soon have to impose respect for the French language in Quebec, we will come back ...
Ms. Marois should be informed of our history, it must make choices in the interests of the people. Any decision gonna in the interests of people should lead a social movement.
citizens should be informed of the machinations that affect them, see, Common Approach vs. Montreal .
This paper demonstrates clearly how Montrealers are picking the pockets of hundreds of billions of dollars without their knowledge, services to citizens will suffer.
Ideally sack JJJ Charest and his henchmen tomorrow morning. Massively has the means we, the people of Tunisia has just done and the Russians are doing between 1980 and 1990. If you do not want to be forgotten by the history of mankind .... Wake up.
Many documents show grooming planned:
1. The Gomery Commission, its mandate was deliberately limited to fraud private ... Those of Canada remained muted;
2. Taylor-Bouchard Commission or, obviously, the commissioners were chosen by JJJCharest according to the result he wanted this commission;
3. Radio-Canada bazo.tv, issue titled: "Should they close their regions," a manipulation of public opinion Service and planned the creation of discord between Montreal and its regions to seize the assets of all citizens no matter where they live in our territories.
4. And many others like: The traffic of textbooks, courses in history, media censorship, the massive invasion of English in our media.
... The most important of these acts of manipulation on the treaty known as the common approach. In this document we are made to accept being ripped off of our territories for a minority of less than 1%, even more, is granted guardianship to the Canadian government allowing to regard ourselves as being irresponsible.
We have here an important cause defensible before an international court.
The sidedness of the act of transfer is very consistent in our territories, see the excerpts on the importance of the territories, to: http://www.saglacweb.com.
If we do not wake up, Canada will have a veto over all our laws, our property and our ability to create jobs for ourselves.
Our culture and our artists will be attacked in front (essential graphs of democracy expressed in http://www.ameriquebec.net/actualites/2009/12/14-vivre-libre-ou-disparaitre.qc , Figure 1. Then in Figure 2, you will see how our interests conflict with those of Canada.
Decide together to oppose rather than swallow, it will have at least one last chance to break our chains. Canada is at the stage of the padlock on our aspirations.
Adopt an active behavior, we have a chance to change our destiny and get the sympathy of the authorities and international aid to survive.
The world must know our situation and he must tell her.
The liberation of Russia did not happen without the people, nor that of Tunisia, I do not think it's different to ours.
The magnitude of the attacks that we suffered require the union of all our forces and above all, understanding and assimilation issues by concerned citizens.
If you want a different result from what we have always had in the pass, then we must change our strategy and address the source of our problems in knowledge of causes.
Marois herself is little that I inform you here, having already expressed his sympathy for the common approach. Must inform the challenges it will face.
This time, the people will deal with policy instead of delegating.
Our challenges are enormous but the victory, if it succeeded, would be the seventh heaven for our children and the survival of la Francophonie in Canada and worldwide. A dynamic and innovative new country takes shape.
For the first time since the conquest, can no longer be forcibly recruit our children to serve as cannon fodder.
The people must get involved, we cheat our representatives.
The Charest government is a strategy and a logical continuation of the 1995 referendum planned by the federation. This strategy
allows Canada to go to war without the people realize that this is it. There is nothing democratic about the election of the Charest government.
was dealing with a systematic looting of assets and assets of Quebecers by psychological conditioning. The result will be similar to the destruction and looting of farms and houses after the battle of the Plains.
Canada is to destroy our assets to deprive us of any defense against the invasion that suffers.
This text is complementary to the one I sent you recently.
Jean-Pierre Plourde,
PS I get my last text, slightly modified, on another site, signing left no doubt about the intention of the blogger, references does is not adequate. No author's site, for-the-country-du-Québec, or vigile.net ameriquebec.net is involved. Let us be alert us to denounce such behavior.
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