must educate citizens about their rights
Reply to Mr. Marcel René Sauvé
I completely disagree in your statement:
"Try to understand that Ms. Marois problem is that it does not deal only with Rheal Mathieu Roy and Daniel but millions of voters, each has his own opinion on all issues. "
If this were the case, Jacques Pariseau never initiated the referendum of 1995, we won fairly and lost illegally.
Certainties, my lyrics are filled with references to support claims.
A leader is there to take initiative and show the way forward. Its role should not be passive but active, it must be an informed guide, with future plans to propose giving want to follow.
should now be inundated with information about what is happening behind our backs all sites by separatists and free media, notice to the Bloc and the PQ.
Again it crashed instead of educating our citizens about the significance of actions against us.
In the common approach, the basis for negotiations is the creation of 82 unilaterally changed and it had repatriated and dismissed. It makes no sense. There will be many
Charest had to endorse this document to initiate such negotiations since the Constitution is illegal based on these negotiations. They are easy to make deductions and irrefutable truth.
1. It inherits guardianship of the federal, Quebec is currently a branch in Ottawa, we are territorial occupied all key positions being held by federal,
2. The title of province with the right to sit as an equal member of the federation board is taken away;
3. We removed our belongings and steals one of our profits, for example, Hydro-Québec changes hands. In addition to losing our assets, we lose the usufruct.
Accordingly, we must further increase our taxes to offset the loss of billions in royalties per year that gave the Hydro in the coffers of the state, these profits will be distributed in favor of "Canadian" instead of Quebecers, inheritance a federal veto obliging;
4. Our territories change hands;
5. It was believed he was close to Montrealers regions to better strip them without telling them they give up the assets we have built together and are precisely the strength and wealth of Montreal. We lose forests, dams, transmission lines, mining, water, etc..
It will now be considered as irresponsible in this country have no right to manage our assets. If we do not react, they will be really irresponsible to our descendents.
Quebec could become an economic hub with world citizens take their own ability to have projects that 50 million people live French dynamic.
Australia has very good reason for giving the name of JJCharest at one of its forests. Only Quebecers do not know. Rio Tinto has given more rights to our lands as we do. This is one of its presidents that Charest has chosen to represent us, see my text, Conflict of Interest.
Depletion of Quebecers is explicable and planned in high places, it is all too apparent.
The Caisse de depot came under the Godfather of one of the best organizations for profitable investments in the world to the worst.
What took us fifty years to build has been destroyed by JJJ Charest in less than ten years. We went to the priority of investment at home to foreign investment priority at the highest risk possible is as visible as the nose in the face. What are we doing here?
The Canada we went to war without us having declared, 98% of Quebecers do not know completely.
We went up to our elected executioner and give him both hands on the wheel, should do it anyway!
Ms. Marois is it of the ignorant or does it express?
The Canada we withdraw the rights he wants to force us to make him war, true to recover them.
dictatorships and revolutions are all based on this principle.
I finish with one of Churchill's famous phrase:
"They had a choice between dishonor and war, but chose dishonor, and they will have war."
is exactly what Canada is preparing to make.
I think we will soon need your knowledge in the art of making it.
Thanks for being there.
Jean-Pierre Plourde.
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