Wednesday, March 2, 2011

After You Serve In The War

Fedeylins, Volume 1: The banks of the world's new

Title VF : Fedeylins, Volume 1: The banks of the world

Author: Nadia Coste

Published by Éditions Gründ
Publication Date: March 10, 2011

Genre: Kids Fantasy

Pages: 417 pages

Price: 18,00 €
Order at Amazon: The banks of the world

Source: Service Press with Publishing Gründ . A big thank you to Cecilia!

Stars :

Back Cover

Like all fedeylins, small winged creatures living on the edge of a pond that is their world, Cahyl hatches on a water lily. Like all fedeylins, he must brave the dangerous fish and drowning before reaching the shore. Like all survivors of this first test, Cahyl appears before the Founding Fathers, eager to know the cast chosen for him and the future all mapped out ahead of him.
But Cahyl is different: it lacks the brand that would bind her fate. Its very existence shook the foundations of its society and that everyone is not ready to accept it.

My opinion.

Considering the numerous rave reviews from my friends bloggers, I could not wait to finally plunge into the world of Fedeylins , and more so that the service was really great news: the book received uncorrected proofs (but with the original cover of the novel, it changes the white blankets!) with a gift, a flower ... I still have not had the courage to put to germinate because I am a walking disaster for plants !

rather charmed by the world that has offered to work quickly my imagination, I was particularly surprised to discover a whole new world of small winged creatures and learn how they live everyday. The
Feydelins are small beings who have a lifestyle quite unique and very focused on Destiny.

Moms spawn every 10 years (in fact, there is an egg every 5 years. 5 years, it is that lay Pentarientes and 10 years, the Décarientes), the " bubbles are then fertilized Fathers by the 5 and the period of "gestation in the bubble lasts 5 years. In the bubble, larveylins are marked by the Fathers (behind the left ear) and so their fate is determined in advance. Thus, at birth, if young people fail larveylins on the shore (the bubbles on a water lily) is that fate has willed it so. The
Larveylins are divided into five castes (priors, builders, collectors, creators and transmitters) and must follow the fate of their brand.

Cahyl born different from others larveylins however: it has no mark and therefore no destiny. However, it is placed in the group of transmitters and their difference will not be noticed now, but what will happen to the acceptance by his people when they will realize the truth?

Seduced by the universe proposed by Nadia Coste, however, I notice quite shared on the first volume of Feydelins.
If I find the world very rich and well documented, however, I regret the lack of action this first volume, because it must be confessed that there are times when I'm bored enough.
In addition, we also regret inequality chapters or paragraphs with respect to time passing ... Thus, Nadia Coste can spend pages telling us about an event and spend a paragraph telling a winter (ie 2-3 months). I find it quite weird as cutting and I was a little embarrassed in my reading.

In reading the history of Cahyl, the narrator, the reader will necessarily await the moment when the others discover the difference ... Fedeylins and because it can until the very end of the novel (350 pages after they learn he is not marked), meanwhile the reader a little bit bored because nothing happens.
Cahyl just tells the story of his people, their way of life and its unorthodox friendship (according to his own people) with the enemy of the opposite bank, the glark Goderie.

On how to live Feydelins I was quite shocked at the way they think, to consider the future always in reference to Destiny. Free will does not really belong in this society where if you do not meet the future that you have been defined by reference to that mark, you are excluded.
Thus, we must accept, always accept ... even the most difficult things like loss of a loved one. Such must be his destiny and life goes on. From
Moreover, the relationships that govern Fedeylins are quite special. If the mother-child attachment is felt widely, however, lacks a paternal attachment ... since there are only 5 Fathers "saviors" who are entitled to fertilize the bubbles (life sexual Fedeylins = 0, it's sad anyway!) and we do not know what father has fertilized a given bubble.
Additionally, fraternal relations appear to change depending upon whether the same egg or not. Genre for Cahyl was the only little of his mother (she had laid a bubble, which is quite exceptional), it remains quite excluded from her family because her two older sisters are the same spawning and ditto for very close and her 3 little brothers.
Similarly, the universe of Feydelins is a universe in which love plays no role ... Feydelins seen that females do not need males to lay their bubbles! It's still sad when you think about all this!

However, in this world but certainly wonderful when building relationships between its members appeared to me really strange Cahyl arrives like a little alien that we can appreciate.
Rejected by other larveylins the same egg, it will seek a friendship with a completely unexpected Goderis, Glark, who also can not seem to fit perfectly into his company.
Between them, be born a beautiful friendship , sincere and lasting ... which will lead to the unthinkable (I say no more, not spoilers!).
Despite their two peoples are enemies, they will learn to know and learn to respect and understand the lifestyle that governs the people in front.
Together with them, they unwittingly provide a good lesson in friendship and tolerance that young (I was going to say today but there have always been of intolerance and exclusion, so I'm talking about young in general) really need to hear and to hear in order to finally understand and respect these values in their everyday life. The exclusion of children remain the most difficult to bear and mark the young excluded all his life.

Moreover, Cahyl shows we can all, in one way or another, change his destiny and free will always has a prominent place in the lives of everyone that if any can not choose his family is always free to choose his friends and not face a life that does not match.
By that, I really liked the character Cahyl because he rebelled at his way against his own people against the habit to refer to Destiny, as he wanted to be friends, even with the enemy, and what he felt feelings of "love" that n was not supposed to feel.

In conclusion, while not a favorite, this first novel of Fedeylins still a nice surprise anyway I was seduced by his world. I hope however that the Volume 2 will be more dynamic than the first else I feel like I get tired quickly! Nevertheless, I recommend you read this, full of magic that will awaken your imagination with a universe of little ones, which I hope become great!

What I remember from my reading:

In +: A wonderful world, very well described and a great lesson in tolerance and friendship. The story of a different boy, excluded from his own, which can only move you. In
- : little action, lots of delays.

They also read: Dup , deliregirl1 , Mallou , Hecla , de.w , LaureduMiroir , Lilibook and other notices on the next page Bibliomania Book:


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