VO Title: Last Sacrifice
Author: Richelle Mead (U.S.)
Published by Editions Razorbil
Publication Date: December 7, 2010
Date of publication of the VF Éditions Castelmore still unknown to date.
Genre: Youth (YA)
Pages: 594
Source: Lu VO
If you have not read the previous volumes (Volume 6 and elsewhere), I advise you not to read this column that you could spoiler. I find it impossible d'évoquer mon ressenti sans évoquer des évènements précis dont vous souhaiteriez garder la surprise !
Quatrième de couverture.
Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice.
The Queen is dead and the Moroi world will never be the same. Now, with Rose awaiting wrongful execution and Lissa in a deadly struggle for the royal throne, the girls find themselves forces to rely upon enemies and to question those they thought they could trust...
But what if true freedom means sacrificing the most important thing of all ? Each Other.
My opinion.
Here I am already arrived under the saga ... Yet I thought that reading the last 3 volumes in English were going to take time. Barely six weeks and it's over. Goodbye Rose, Dimka, Lissa and others, thanks to you, I spent a year early bookish absolutely brilliant!
The last volume of Vampire Academy of surprises and gaining momentum throughout the narrative.
we find Rose in trouble since she is accused of killing the Queen Tatiana. The Preus: her pile found in the body of the Queen and no evidence to support his showing she was trapped. Her situation seems completely hopeless ...
But now, his band mates is never short of ideas to get out of trouble ... What better way to organize his escape with Dimitri to look after her?
Meanwhile the Court, to gain time in order to prove the innocence of Rose, Adrian and Christian supported the appointment of Lissa as a candidate for the succession of Tatiana. She will have to pass tests to become Queen.
But now, the real killer is not far away and hides among the entourage of Lissa ... Who can blame at this point to kill Tatiana and Rose to put it out of harm's way?
This last volume includes all kinds of twists that take the reader in suspense throughout another.
The plot is well constructed : start a really catastrophic situation than to ascend the slope gently to a well deserved happy ending for all characters that make us vibrate from the beginning (except for one .. . but it should be found in the spin-off due in August 2011, Bloodlines, I am not too worried about him).
Moreover, Richelle Mead really involve all the characters we talked about at one time or another in the saga . So Sydney is again part of the "cast" of this sixth volume for our greatest pleasure. Richelle has not forgotten the brothers Dashkova which had lost track in the previous volume!
And finally, Sonya Karp, Professor of St. Vladimir, who had voluntarily converted Strigoi to escape the madness of the power of the Spirit has a place of honor in this volume.
New characters also appear: the " Keepers, a group of Moroi / Dhampir / humans who decided to live by old traditions.
This last book I particularly impressed by two of his aspects: firstly, the changing relationship Roza / Dimka and secondly, the rise of Lissa.
Let's talk about Lissa:
From the beginning, I felt that was a rather Lissa erased, especially opposition to Rose who is a real ball of energy.
In this sixth volume, Lissa finds himself separated from Rose, because it is run. Therefore, we feel a turnaround in the group dynamic in the sense that Lissa finally finally take the ascendancy. It is more than stupidly following Rose, she acts, she takes her destiny, particularly in deciding to do everything possible to prove the innocence of his friend.
When she finds a candidate to succeed Tatiana (against her will, at first ^ ^), we feel it growing stronger: she faces the trials without fear and with thought and wisdom.
Moreover, his speech at the end of the 3 tests are really strong sense, one feels she has the charisma Moroi to conduct to a new way of life, including agreeing to fight with them to protect themselves Dhampir strigoi. Lissa no doubt that will make a great Queen.
The one thing that bothered me with Lissa is his reaction to the arrival of his new little sister, the girl hidden from her father, Eric Dragomir, which is just their friend, Jill .
Jill arrives in this world without asking anyone, is there largely to allow his sister to become Queen ... but in return, I do not feel that Lissa wants to forge genuine bonds of friendship with her. I was a little over Lissa this reaction a little selfish.
Then the best for last, the relationship Rose / Dimitri :
Those two, we can say they played with our nerves throughout the 6 volumes. Between I want / I want it, we can not is wrong, then that becomes Dimka Stigoï and then again becomes Dhampir but does not want Rose, he passed away things from them ... to the point that I almost became crazy to wonder if they would end up together or not. You're too hard, Richelle, much too hard!
short, in this volume, originally our little Rose seems finally go ahead - after being sent maliciously by Dimka on roses - and finally agreed to give a real chance to Adrian.
Things will change, however, when Dimitri and it will go on the run. If it seems that a profound distance between them at first, this will melt away like snow in the sun, slowly and realistically.
Unlike some YA books where the hero falls into his arms in a snap, these two take their time to meet, smooth, sometimes with screams but it's always so beautiful, so true. ... I felt like crying because I was so moved.
Turning the last page, a great sadness has settled in me at the mere idea that I could not find the characters of Rose, Dimitri, Lissa and others and it will be difficult to find a new saga that will transport me to much in his world.
I still have time to say about this tome 6, which is obviously my favorite tome but it would take more hours, I think!
Goodbye Rose, Dimitri, Lissa, Christian ... Thank you for making me live your adventures through the eyes of Rose. I will miss you all!
What I remember from my reading:
EN + : EVERYTHING! The plot, character development, relationship Dimka and Rose, the ultimate ...
IN - : This is the final book, name names!
The opinion of other livraddictiens: Liliebook , cecile , Hecla and more to come on record Bibliomania Book:
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